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Company Details Maintenance – Document Numbers


In this tab you can review or change the system’s document serial numbers. These document serial numbers are automatically incremented when documents are created in normal processing. They can however, be edited here. You can decrement the numbers, but great care must be taken that the subsequent values for documents do not already exist as historic documents.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details…

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Document Numbers tab.

Initial Setup

For each of the processes in this tab, decide what number you would like to start from eg.30007 and enter this number in the appropriate box.

Select Save Changes to confirm your changes.


Dispatch Note

This will show the last Dispatch Note number used.

Sales Invoice

This will show the last Sales Invoice number used.

Purchase Order

This will show the last Purchase Order number used.

Sales Order

Here you will see the last Sales Order number used.

Work Order

This is the last Work Order number used.


The last Job number uses will show here.


This is the last Batch number used.

Goods Received Note or GRN

The last GRN number used.

Return Note

The last PO Return note number used.

Non-Conformance Report or NCR

Here you will see the last NCR number.

Stock Transfer Document

This will display the last Stock Transfer number.

Marketing Business ID

The last Marketing Business ID number created is displayed.

Address ID

Last Address ID serial number used.

Contact ID

Last Contact ID created.

Quality Assurance event

Last Quality Assurance event serial number used.

Shipping Load

Last Shipping Load number used.

Purchase Part ID

Last Purchase Part ID number used.

Team Calendar Event ID

Last Team Calendar Event ID number used.

Key Preform. Indicator ID

Last Key Performance Indicator number used.

User sequence 1 to 5

Last user 1 to 5 sequence number used.

Revert to Latest Numbers button

Selecting this button causes the database to re-read the latest serial number data and overwrite any changes to numbers you may have made and not saved.

Save Changes to Numbers button

This button saves any changes to document numbers you may have made. You must be the only users connected to the data file.

Last Modified Date and Time

This displays the last time this window was modified.

NOTE – Those marked * can be edited to a lower value and when next used will fill unoccupied numbers on documents. This means you can rotate numbers past 999999 back to 000001. Others, if set lower, will be reset to the largest currently existing value in the data.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.

Class wMcdEdit(Company Details Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Company Details…

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