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Company Details Maintenance – Other


Here we will cover all other system-wide values and program support services.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details…

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Others tab


Period Dates

All three sets of period start dates are displayed on this window as they are part of the Company Details file. These dates are generated automatically when they are rolled over during the period end routine and give an overview of the stock usage, customer sales and supplier receipts for each period in the appropriate windows.

Each period of time is calculated as follows: Period 1 is from its start date to today’s date; Period 2 is from its start date up to, but not including Period 1’s start date; and Period 3 is from its start date up to, but not including Period 2’s start date.

Support Service

Here is the support source identification.

NOTE: If there are language variants of the program, then you should set this to the language of your installation so that you receive updates in the appropriate language.

Support Server Access Username

This is the name of your programme.

Selecting this button will print out the License Application Data Entry window.

Convenience Functions

You can use this to copy or move certain directories of the Caliach Vision installation from their local installation location to the datafile directory, typically on a server. The contents of these directories will then be common to all users attached to the datafile. This can be useful to ensure backups are made regularly and it can be much more convenient for system management. However, using local directories will reduce network traffic. Moving a directory, rather than copying it will delete the local files. The process operates recursively on directories to any level.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.

Class wCalendar (Make and Buy Calendar Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Calendars

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