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Company Details Maintenance – Parts and BoM


In this tab the system manager can set up the default setting for parts, bills of material and inventory system settings.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Parts and BoM tab.


Parent number prefix in SO configuration

In this field you can enter up to three characters to be your sales order prefix eg. XXX-123456. Where “XXX” is the prefix entered here, and “123456” is the SO number.

Parent number prefix in Job configuration

This field is where you would enter up to three characters to be your job prefix.

Maximum BoM structural depth

The default BoM depth is set at 10 but you can set it to any number between 1 – 99 as required.

WARNING – The deeper the bill depth, the longer processing can take and the greater the number of transactions needed to create an end product from purchased components or raw materials.

Goods receiving overhead rate

This is an overhead (burden) rate that is applied to all purchased parts during Cost Roll-Up or when their price is confirmed after a PO receipt. If the part has a non-zero individual rate (PTMROVR), then this will apply rather than this global rate. If PTMPOVR is negative, the overhead rate will be zero. The subsequent overhead amount is stored in the “Receiving overhead” field in the Parts Master record. The rate can be any range from 0.00 to 999.99% and applies to the prime (material) cost.

This rate can be used to account for goods receiving costs such as inward freight, PO and stores administration, etc..

WO receiving overhead rate

This is an overhead (burden) rate that is applied in a similar manner to the Goods receiving overhead rate but in this case applies to assembly parts. It is only used during Cost Roll-Up. If the part has a non-zero individual rate (PTMROVR), then this will apply rather than this global rate. If PTMPOVR is negative, the overhead rate will be zero. The subsequent overhead amount is stored in the same “Receiving overhead” field in the Parts Master record. The rate can be any range from 0.00 to 999.99% and applies to the This-level material, labour and labour overhead cost. This rate can be used to account for WO handling and stores costs.

Mass units descriptor

This field is for the unit of weight you would like to be used in your reports and through out the system for parts.

Batch number prefix character

The single character prefix you choose (if any) for your batch numbers can be a number between 0-9 or an upper-case letter A-Z.

Purchase Parts Performance Factors (Sum = 100)

Factors are used to load the four Purchase parts performance indicators to produce the overall performance of the supplier for a part. The factors are used on the purchase parts maintenance window and during the global changes function for calculating performance. The factors must add up to 100. If all four are given the value 25, then each indicator will be equally weighted. If one is given 100 and the others 0, the overall rating for the supplier will be solely based on that indicator.

Material costing method

In this section you can choose with material costing method is most appropriate for your business.

ABC Class Value Breaks

The ABC codes for parts can be assigned automatically as part of MRP processing. The total value of the recommendations from the MRP plan (see MRP processing help) on a “This-level” basis is calculated. Then the parts accounting for the most ‘A value break’ value of the total are given ‘A’ class, those remaining that account for above ‘B value break’ value of the total are given ‘B’ class, those remaining that account for above ‘C value break’ value of the total are given ‘C’ class. Parts contributing less than ‘C value break’ or are not involved in the MRP results are cleared of any class. When editing ‘A’ must be greater than ‘B’ which must be greater than ‘C’.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.

Class wMcdEdit (Company Details Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Company Details…

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