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Company Details Maintenance – Variances


In this tab you can allow order permissible inventory quantity variances which allows users to receive, kit and dispatch a lesser or greater quantity than orders would normally allow.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

File Path

File > System Manager > Company Details…

This file path takes you to the Company Details Maintenance window. Select the Variances tab.

To edit the variances, click in the editable field next to the line you wish to change and enter the quantity.

The Revert to Saved and Save Changes buttons will become active. Select save.

WARNING: To save your changes, you must be the only user on the system.

Note: In both Purchase Order Variances and Sales Order Variances you must enter an amount in both the Quantity and Value field.

In the Works order field only Kitting Quantity OR Completion Quantity can be entered.


Purchase Order Variances – Quantity and Value

During the goods receiving process, you may wish to have the option of completing a PO line item with a delivered quantity that is not exactly the ordered quantity. This can be useful to avoid leaving trivial quantities on back-order or, if the received quantity is more than that ordered, having to adjust the order prior to receiving it. To provide this feature, you can enter a variance limit in both quantity percent and value terms. For each PO line item, the system will apply the lower of the two values and permit, after a warning, line item completion with that transaction. Purchase history and Inventory will reflect the actual receipt quantity.

Work Order Variances – Kitting Quantity

During the Work Order kitting process, you may wish to have the option of issuing a quantity that is greater or less than the BoM quantity. This can be useful where BoMs reflect average use of raw material. Works history and Inventory will reflect the actual kit quantity.

WARNING: If a kitting variance is permitted, care should be taken when returning a kit, as the system presumes the BoM kit quantity has been kitted.

Work Order Variances – Completion + Quantity

During the WO assembly receiving process, you may wish to have the option of receiving a quantity that is greater than the ordered and kitted quantity. This can be useful where BoMs reflect average wastage of raw material. Works history and Inventory will reflect the actual receipt quantity.

Sales Order Variances -Quantity and Value

During the dispatch process, you may wish to have the option of completing a SO line item with a dispatched quantity that is not exactly the ordered quantity. This can be useful to avoid leaving trivial quantities on back-order or, if the dispatched quantity is more than that ordered, having to adjust the order prior to receiving it. To provide this feature, you can enter a variance limit in both quantity percent and value terms. For each SO line item, the system will apply the lower of the two values and permit, after a warning, line item completion with that transaction. Sales history and Inventory will reflect the actual dispatch quantity.

TIP: This feature is usually only useful where you are selling by length and billing by weight, for example. In other words, is valid when the Sales Order quantity is only an estimate of the dispatch quantity.

Batch on Dispatch – Quantity

During the dispatch process, you may wish to have the option of completing a SO line item with a dispatched quantity that is not exactly the quantity available from a whole batch. This can be useful to avoid having to split batches on dispatch where trivial inaccuracies in quantity of a batch is the case.

TIP: This feature is usually only useful where you have complex sales UoM multipliers and where measuring accuracy of batch quantities is not as great as the resolutions of quantities in the system. For example, where you are mixing chemicals by weight, but you are selling in quantities of volume.

This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.

Class wMcdEdit (Company Details Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Company Details…

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