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Sales Dispatch: Invoice Details

Invoice Details

Invoice Details - Invoice pane

This is a general review window for invoices, credit notes and dispatch notes. You can open it from the Invoice or Credit Note Selection and Dispatch Note Selection window using the Show button or by drilling down on an document reference to an invoice.



Invoice number

Invoices. Invoice number. {INVFILE.INVNO char 6}

Customer code

Customers. Unique customer identification code. {CUSFILE.CUSCODE char 6}

Company name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

The window has 2 tab panes.

Line Items 


Invoice details



Invoice date

Invoices. Date creation date. {INVFILE.INVDATE date date1980}


Invoices. Invoice printed (True when printed). {INVFILE.INVPRIN boolean}

Sales Order

Invoices. Source document depending on source type (SO number, code or Job number). {INVFILE.INVSONO char 6}

Dispatch note

Invoices. Dispatch Note number. {INVFILE.INVDESP char 6}


Invoices. Currency symbol code. {INVFILE.INVCUR char 3}

Exchange rate

Invoices. Currency rate applicable when issued. {INVFILE.INVRATE number float}


Invoices. Currency adjustment applied to ledgers flag. {INVFILE.INVCUAP boolean}

Value pre-tax

Invoices. Invoice pre-tax value. {INVFILE.INVVALU number 2dp}


Invoices. Invoice pre-tax value. {INVFILE.INVVALU number 2dp}

Amount paid

Invoices. Invoice amount paid. {INVFILE.INVPAY number 2dp}


Invoices. Invoice paid (True=paid). {INVFILE.INVPAID boolean}

Quick payment %

Invoices. Quick payment discount percent. {INVFILE.INVQPDI number 2dpShortnum}


Invoices. Quick payment discount received on payment flag. {INVFILE.INVQPAP boolean}

Quick-payment date

Invoices. Quick-payment date after which the discount is not available. {INVFILE.INVQPDT date date1980}

Payment due date

Invoices. Payment due date. {INVFILE.INVDUED date date1980}

Payment terms

Invoices. Payment terms. {INVFILE.INVTERM char 1000}

Invoice address

Contact and address that the invoice is addressed to (either default, additional or individual).

Dispatch address

Contact and address that it was dispatched to (either default, additional or individual).


Invoices. Incoterm code (Blank or IDXTYPE=9). {INVFILE.INVINCO char 4}

Incoterms are the internationally agreed method of designating trading transactions which cross national borders. They define the limits of commercial responsibility for the selling party and so clearly define the limits of cost of the delivery of the goods. In the system they are defined in File — System Manager — Index Codes. An Incoterm generally requires a parameter which is usually a place or port name. A Sales Order or Job Incoterm will be copied to any resulting invoices.

Incoterm Place

Invoices. Incoterm parameter (usually a named place or port). {INVFILE.INVINCP char 60}

Header text

Invoices. SO header text. {INVFILE.INVTRTX char 32000}

Packing or comments

Invoices. Dispatch or Packing instructions from SOHCOMM. {INVFILE.INVPACK char 32000}

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Line Items

Invoice Details - Line Item pane

Invoice line item details



Line Item list

List of all line items (sales history) on file for the document shown above. Double-click to put part in ScratchPad.

Total value in local currency

The total value (without tax) for the listed sales history in local currency.



Print Listing

To print a report of the history listed for the customer.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 10:26:00.00. Class wInvShow last modified 4 Jun 2018 03:40:35.

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