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Data Views: Data View Result List

Data View Result List

Data View Result List window

This window shows the Data View results when testing from the Data View Maintenance window.

The results of a Data View is a list, held in memory. The list columns are defined by the Data View design and the rows are determined by the searches, also defined in the design.

This window allows you to see the collected data and print it if needed. The data arrives in the window list in the Data View sort order, but you can re-sort it by clicking on the list column heading. There is a breakdown of the times the various stages of running the data view take.

Data View results listing.




Click to print the results.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:09:00.00. Class wDataViewResultList last modified 6 Oct 2017 05:39:31.

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