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General Program Functions: Ledgers Menu

Ledgers Menu

Ledgers Main Menu

Provides access to the Accounts Receivable (Sales), Accounts Payable (Purchase) and General (Nominal) Ledgers. In addition, Manager Settings for the ledger system can be accessed.

Ledgers is a licensed option with Caliach Vision which provides accounting facilities in addition, and integrated with, the manufacturing management system. If this option has been licensed the “Ledgers” menu will be within the main menu bar and all accounting functions will be active. (Note that within the system, on-line help and this reference book the word “Ledgers” can be interchanged with the word “Accounts”.)




Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable

Group of Accounts Receivable (Sales Ledger) functions.
See also hierarchical menu A/R Menu. The Accounts Receivable section maintains all receivable (or Sales) accounts for all your customers. Every customer you have created in the Customer Master section has an account where invoice charges to, and payments from, can be recorded as transactions. All invoicing activities automatically post transactions to the Account Receivable ledger.


Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Group of Accounts Payable (Purchase Ledger) functions.
See also hierarchical menu A/P Menu. The Accounts Payable section maintains all payable (or Purchase) accounts for your suppliers of goods and services. Every supplier you have created in the Supplier Master section has an account where bills from, and payments to, can be recorded as transactions.


General Ledger General Ledger

Group of General Ledger (Nominal Ledger) functions.
See also hierarchical menu G/L Menu. The General Ledger section maintains all other financial activities within the business. All activities relating to the Accounts Payable or Receivable ledgers automatically post transactions to the General Ledger. From the General Ledger you can prepare Balance Sheets and Income Statements (Profit and Loss Accounts) and maintain account budgets.


Ledgers Manager Ledgers Manager

Group of Ledger Manager functions.
See also hierarchical menu Manager Menu.


Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 28 Nov 2001 06:32:00.00. Class mLedgers last modified 22 Dec 2014 02:38:27.

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