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General Program Functions: Label Printing Parameters

Label Printing Parameters

Label Printing Parameters

Whenever a report is identified as a label type report (the class must have the $islabel property set to kTrue) the label printing parameters window opens to enable you to change or confirm the label dimensions. On confirmation these settings are stored in the report class for use on a future occasion.



Report class name

The current report class name.

Report description

The current report class description.

Left page margin

Enter the Left Page Margin in the units shown for printing this label report.

Right page margin

Enter the Right Page Margin in the units shown for printing this label report.

Top page margin

Enter the Top Page Margin in the units shown for printing this label report.

Bottom page margin

Enter the Bottom Page Margin in the units shown for printing this label report.

Labels across the page

Enter the number of labels across the page.

Label width

Enter the exact width in the units shown of each label on the sheet.

Label height

Enter the exact height in the units shown of each label on the sheet.

Copies of label records

Enter the number of duplicate labels you want printed for each data record selected.

The tree buttons function as follows:




To reset to the values of the default settings for the report.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.

OK and Print

Confirms and stores any changed settings and proceeds to print the report.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: When you design your own report, for it to be recognised by the system as a label type report and subsequently trigger the Label Printing Parameters window, the report class must have the $islabel property set true. There are two methods of controlling label height. You can set the $userecspecing property of the Record section to kTrue and then the label height will be set in the class $recordspacing property. Alternatively, with the Record section $userecspecing property kFalse, you set the $startmode to kFromtop and $startspacing property to the label height. The Label Printing Parameters window works with both methods of control.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:49:00.00. Class wLabelSetup last modified 16 Feb 2016 02:27:35.

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