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General Program Functions: PDF Advanced Options

PDF Advanced Options

This window opens from 2 places:

  1. File — Report Destination — Settings, then select BrainyPDF and switch to the Preferences tab pane. Finally click on the Advanced… button. This is to set properties for default printing to PDF for all reports that do not have specific settings of their own.
  2. Individual report designs can have their own settings that override the default settings in 1 above. This window, therefore, also opens from the File — Advanced — Report Setups window.

Most settings for the PDF Device report destination are set in this window. However, some settings can be intelligent to the context of the report, such as the watermark text and Title. See details below.

When printing to Acrobat PDF you will be asked for a file name and destination. When used with Email the filename is normally the report class name. For documents the filename can be context-sensitive as in the following cases:

SO-Sales Order number
IN-Invoice number
CN-Credit Note number
DN-Dispatch Note number
QU-Quotation number
CBD-Cash-Before-Delivery Invoice number
CR-Customer Remittance Advice Note using customer code and date
CS-Customer Statement using customer code and date
QACert-QA Certificate with batch or part number
Est-Estimate job code
Job-Job code
EstAck-Estimate Acknowledgement with job code
JobAck-Job Acknowledgement with job code
JobPick-Job Picking List with job code
JobMake-Job Make-To List with job code
JobList-Job Picking and Make-To List with job code
QASpec-QA Specification with part number
GR-Goods Received Note number
PO-Purchase Order number
RN-Return Note using purchase order number
RQ-Request for Quotation number
SR-Supplier Remittance Advice Note using supplier code and date
SS-Supplier Statement using supplier code and date




The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

Warning WARNING: When being used to set properties for specific selected reports from the list in the File — Advanced — Report Setups window, all of the selected reports will be set with the same settings. If this involves a large background image, it will add significantly to the size of the report designs. In this case, you are recommended to use the file name approach rather than a stored image.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.

Remove Settings from Reports

Click to remove specific PDF settings form the selected reports so that default settings will apply to them. This button is only available when the window has been opened from the File — Advanced — Report Setups window.

The window has 8 tab panes.

Document Info 


PDF Advanced Options - General tab pane

Controls for image quality



Convert Images to JPEG

Convert Images to JPEG: Converting images to JPEG may reduce the quality. If this option is not selected, 24 bit RGB values are compressed using standard deflate compression with no loss of quality, but possible loss of compression.

Image Quality

A value of 75 generally produces a
good rate of compression without compromising too much on quality.

Pict/Meta DPI

This option controls the quality of Macintosh PICT and Windows Meta picture conversion. Valid range is 72 to 600. Default is 150. Increasing the resolution to improve quality will increase the size of the PDF file.

Automatically choose best compression

Automatically choose best compression: Let the software choose the best compression. This option, if enabled, may affect performance.

Strip duplicate images

Strip duplicate images: Duplicate images will be removed and only one occurrence of the image is embedded.

Embed True Type fonts

Embed True Type Fonts: This options will subset and embed true type fonts for better cross platform results.

Embed licensed fonts

Embed licensed fonts: This option embeds copyrighted fonts. Please make sure that you have a license that permits the embedding of these fonts. If you are unsure, do not select this option.

Convert HTTP addresses

Convert HTTP addresses: This option converts any occurrences of the text “http://” and the text “www.” to Link annotations. Links to files on disk can also be established by using standard URI paths beginning with “file://”.

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PDF Advanced Options - Watermark tab pane

Places watermark text across each page of the output.



Show watermark

If checked a watermark is printed on every page.


The watermark text.

Tip TIP: If the Show Watermarks checkbox is on and nothing is entered in the Text field, your company name will be used. If you decide to enter some data, you can incorporate square bracket notation. For example, “[MEMORY.m_Company] – SO-[pRow.SOHSONO]” will print “My Company Name – SO-002456” when printing the 002456 Sales Order. Note: that data needs to be prefixed with MEMORY. or pRow. to be recognised. The Omnis Trace Log will inform of errors (go to File — Preferences — Message Log to open).

Font name

Choose a font name from the list of fonts on your system.

Font size

Choose a font size.

Text colour

Choose a text colour from the colour picker.


The rotation angle for the text from -180 to 180 degrees.

Horizontal Position

The horizontal starting position from the left of the paper edge, measured in centimetres.

Vertical Position

The vertical starting position from the top of the paper edge, measured in centimetres.

Place watermark in front of page content

When checked the watermark will appear in front of the page content.

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Document Info

PDF Advanced Options - Document Info tab pane

Document Summary Properties that can be viewed by the user.




The Title shown in the document summary by the PDF reader.

Tip TIP: Where a report is sent as an email attachment and is a document such as an Invoice or Sales Order, the title is set to the document details. If not, and you leave the title blank here, the title is set to your company name.


The Author shown in the document summary by the PDF reader.

Tip TIP: Whatever you enter here the user name and job will be loaded into the Author of the PDF document.


The Subject shown in the document summary by the PDF reader.

Tip TIP: If you leave the subject blank here, the subject is set to the description on the report class used to generate the document.


The Keywords shown in the document summary by the PDF reader.

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PDF Advanced Options - Viewer tab pane

Settings for the PDF Viewer when the document is opened by a reader.



Page Layout

SinglePage – Display one page at a time. OneColumn – Display the pages in one column. TwoColumnLeft – Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left. TwoColumnRight – Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right.

Page Mode

UseNone – Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible. UseOutlines – Document outline visible. UseThumbs – Thumbnail images visible. FullScreen – Full-display mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible.

Hide toolbar

Hide the viewer application’s tool bar when the document is active.

Hide menubar

Hide the viewer application’s menu bar when the document is active.

Hide user interface

Hide user interface elements in the document window, such as scroll bars and navigation controls.

Fit window

Resize document window to fit the size of the first page.

Center window

Position the document’s window in the centre of the display.

Display title

Display the document title as specified by the document info in the title bar.

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PDF Advanced Options - Outlines tab pane

The PDF Device can produce outline trees (bookmarks) based on the font size and style of the report output.




You can have up to 9 levels of outline structure.

Font Name

Select a font from those in your system.

Font Size

Select a font size.


Right-click to choose style attributes from the context menu.

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PDF Advanced Options - Compatibility tab pane

Compatibility Options.



Draw lines at 72 DPI on all platforms

Line thickness is normally calculated based on the platforms display resolution. That means that lines are drawn slightly thicker on Windows platforms. Checking this option on will ensure that line thickness is based on 72dpi resolution on all platforms.

New page count for each report

Normally page count objects would display a single page range, even when printing multiple reports to the same PDF file. This may be desired. Checking this disables this
feature so that individual page ranges are used for each print job.

Ignore font style

By default, PDFDevice will not embed fonts if the font file does not contain glyph data for the requested style. Turning on this option forces PDF device to embed the available glyph data even if the styles are not supported by the font.

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PDF Advanced Options - Background tab pane

Background Image options.

Printing background images on reports sent to the PDF report destination or when reports are sent to the Email destination and those are created as PDF attachments to the email can be useful. In particular, where you want to place a generic logo or other graphic to personalise the PDF output.

Tip TIP: Often, you may also print documents normally to your printed headed paper, for example for marketing letters or customised documents such as invoices and purchase orders. In this case printing to the PDF or Email destination would leave the resulting document bereft of the normal headed paper visual appearance. However, the use of a background image of a scanned graphic of your headed paper can leave the output identical to your normal printed document. To do this you may probably be best off setting individual report designs to have the appropriate background image settings from the File — Advanced — Report Setups window after first opening your OpenVision.lbs using the File — Advanced — Custom Features Utility function.



Enable background image

Check this option to print a background image.

Print on first page only

When checked the background image will only print on the first page. Report class methods can be used for more complex conditions.

Do not scale image

The image will be rendered actual size.

Left offset

The horizontal starting position from the left of the paper edge, measured in centimetres.

Top offset

The vertical starting position from the top of the paper edge, measured in centimetres.

Image DPI

The image Dots-per-inch that it should be rendered at.

Scale image to fit paper

The image will be rendered scaled to fit the page within the border chosen below.

Maintain aspect ratio

When checked the background image height-to-width proportions will be maintained when scaling.


The border size in centimetres for the background image (distance of image from edge).

Image data

The background image. You can paste from the clipboard or use the Edit — Paste from File function. A filename below will overwrite an image posted here.

Tip TIP: Having large graphics saved to many individual report designs can take up allot of space and effect performance. So where the graphic is the same for may report designs, such as headed paper scans, it is recommended that you adopt the Filename approach below.


As an alternative to a picture stored in the data or report class, you can enter a file name with suffix. This file must be stored in the Graphics folder beside the datafile.

Note NOTE: When the program reads a file from the Graphics folder for use with PDF output, it holds the picture in memory for the duration of the program session. This improves performance when the the same image is printed many times. However, if you change the image file contents the printed output will only change after you restart the program.

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PDF Advanced Options - Security tab pane

Provides options for document encryption with owner and user passwords.

These settings specify the security options and user permissions for the PDF document. Documents will be encrypted if either one of the Owner or User passwords is supplied. If both passwords are empty, no encryption takes place.

Tip TIP: Note: If a user-password is specified but the owner-password is empty, PDF viewers may only provide user access permissions to the resulting PDF document. They may not provide a way for entering an empty password for full Owner permissions.

Tip TIP: Note: If a owner-password is specified but the user-password is empty, a user will not be prompted to enter a password when opening the document and operations will be limited according to the permissions. Some viewers allow the subsequent entering of the owner password for full access permissions.

These settings apply generally, stored for each user. They can also be stored against a report class in when that class of report is printed to PDF, or as a PDF attachment to an email, the specific report class settings overwrite the user’s general settings temporarily. See the special note under User Password below for a third level of control specific to the recipient of the document.



Owner password

If there is either an owner or user password or both the PDF document will be encrypted. If an owner password is provided only the owner will have full access to the document.

User password

If there is either an owner or user password or both the PDF document will be encrypted. If a user password is provided restricted access is granted for the document controlled by the user permissions.

Tip TIP: You can have specific user passwords associated with email addresses in the form of square-bracket notation, for example chris.jones@mydomain.co.uk[password]. The program removes the [password] when the email is displayed under normal circumstances, except in maintenance fields. If such an embedded password is present in the main email address for a document (not CC or BCC), then a PDF or attachment PDF will be encrypted with that password as the user password. If there is more than one email recipient only the first password is used. This allows you to have specific user passwords for individuals or customers/suppliers, over and above the general settings. This means, for instance, that if generally encryption is not being applied, particular companies can be set to receive encrypted documents. There is also a special case of chris.jones@mydomain.co.uk[] which will neutralise a generally set user password for that recipient.

Use 128 bit encryption

Check to use 128 bit encryption (40 bit encryption is used if not checked).


User Permissions:


Allow Printing in low quality or full quality if Allow Printing in Full Quality is checked.

Print at Full Quality

Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this option is unchecked, printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly degraded quality.

Modifying Contents

Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by Form FIeld Filling and Document Assembly.

Copying Content

Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document by operations other than that controlled by Content Extraction for Accessibility.

Form Field Filling and Modify Comments

Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields, and, if Modify Content is checked, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields).

Form Field Filling

Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields).

Content Extraction and Accessibility

Enable extracting of text and graphics (in support of accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes).

Document Assembly

Enable document assembly (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images).

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 29 Nov 2016 04:23:00.00. Class wPDFDevOptions last modified 18 Jun 2017 10:59:49.

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