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Graphs 2: Graphs 2 Functions Menu

Graphs 2 Functions Menu

Graphs 2 Functions Menu

The context menu for Graphs 2 graph functions. For an overview of Graph 2 functions and operation see the Introduction to Graphs 2 topic.




Copy to Clipboard

Copies a picture of the graph to the clipboard.


Save as Jpeg File

To save a Jpeg picture image of the graph to a file.


Print Graph

To print a picture of the graph in the size shown on the window.


Print Data List

Prints a report of the underlying graph data list.


Print Graph and Data List

Prints a report of the underlying graph data list and a picture of the graph.


See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 18 May 2012 11:55:00.00. Class mG2Graph last modified 21 Dec 2014 12:06:45.

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