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Introduction: What is New in Version 3.00

What is New in Version 3.00

Caliach Vision V3.00 operates with Omnis Studio V4.1.5 or greater.

Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning

Because of major data restructuring involving addresses and contacts many fields (and some files) have been eliminated and data moved to the new Addresses and Contacts data files. Because of this, the process of datafile upgrading must be done in two steps:

  1. First the V2.10?? datafile must be opened using the special “V2to3Upgrade.lbs” library. You must use the window that opens to migrate the data to an intermediate state ready for Caliach Vision V3.00.
  2. Open Caliach Vision V3.00 and attach to the datafile and login. Full conversion will then proceed and when completed the data will be fully converted to the V3.00 structure.

Because of this change ALL custom documents involving addresses (or Work Orders) will have to be re-designed using the new standards provided in Open Vision. It may be possible to adapt your existing design but this is NOT recommended.

The following relates to changes made since V2.1000.

Summary of adjustments you may want to make to your converted data

File — System Manager — Privileges and Settings

Menus items that have been added are:

  1. File — Report Destinations — Adobe PDF File
  2. Customers ScratchPad Options
  3. Suppliers ScratchPad Options

Window Tab Panes that have been added are:

  1. Company Details Maintenance
  2. Goods-Inwards Delivery Details Maintenance
  3. Marketing Data Maintenance
  4. Customer Maintenance
  5. Supplier Maintenance
Fields you may want to populate
  1. Countries
    1. Group Code
  2. Country Group Commodity Codes
    1. Commodity Code for Parts
  3. Process Routes
    1. Alternative Operation
  4. Addresses
    1. All fields have context-sensitive additions
  5. Contacts
    1. All fields have context-sensitive additions
  6. Customers
    1. Marketing Project Code
  7. Marketing Businesses
    1. Marketing Project Code
  8. Marketing Events
    1. Marketing Project Code
  9. Sales Order Headers
    1. Marketing Project Code
  10. Sales Order Line Items
    1. Marketing Project Code
  11. Jobs
    1. Marketing Project Code
  12. Sales History
    1. Marketing Project Code
  13. Commissions
    1. Marketing Project Code
Options Added

The following options have been added. For a full listing see the Program Options Listing window topic.






Set to 1 if AR and AP accounts can not have mixed foreign currency transactions. A local currency account can.



A comma-delimited list of Contact Id numbers (ADCID), each time a new customer is created, a duplicate of those contacts are created for the new customer’s default address including associated document links. Telecoms are copied from new customer/contact. (See the end of the Contact Maintenance Subwindow sub-window help for details).



As above, for new marketing records.



As above, for new suppliers.



BoM Maintenance will have an extra field of the sum of Kit quantities with stock UoM equal to text entered here. It is case-insensitive. Good for food or chemicals where the product weight or volume is the sum of kit quantities. See also optWOQtySumUoM.


T, S, Sy, U

Set to a number to suppress the customer synchronisation of particular codes. 1 = Index code 1, 2 = Index Code 2 and 4 = Mkt. Project. For a combination, add these numbers together. 0 = all codes will be synchronised.



A comma separated list of User Ids for those users permitted to maintain special country group commodity codes. For more details see the Country Group Commodity Codes window help.



If set to 1, times on process route operations are not changed when WO outwork operations, received from a PO, have their prices confirmed.


T, S, Sy, U

If set to 1, the option will effect the Dispatch All function in the SO Dispatch window and cause the dispatch to be loaded with up to the physical quantity available for the order, otherwise the total ordered quantity is set which can cause inadvertent negative stock.

Feature Enhancements

Feature enhancements up to F0322 were released in maintenance updates to V2.1000. F0323 onwards were released in V3.0000.

Outwork Operation text on PO line item now includes Issue (F0299)

If the WO for an outwork operation has a part issue, the issue will also be shown as part of the PO line item description.

oCustom1 method added to change SO on saving (F0300)

A method has been added to oCustom1 named $BeforeSoSave which intercepts the Save process for a SO or Quotation. It takes three parameters: pHeadRow (field ref) = a row containing SOHFILE and CUSFILE columns, pSolList (field ref) = a list of SOLFILE line items, pSoObjectRef (item ref) = an item reference back into the oProcessSales object from which the method is called. If the system flag #F is true when the method quits, the save process to continue, otherwise a revert will occur. This method can be used for applying special discounting or pricing rules that bear no relation to the standards available normally.

Backflush WO discrepancy report now can list batches used (F0301)

The discrepancy report is now provided with a list of batches/locations used for the issue of material.

Review AR and AP print listing function did not obey selection (F0302)

When a GL account is listed, printing the list prints only those lines listed in the window. With the AP and AR, all account transactions are listed.

The printing options choson by the user are now remembered for each user between sessions.

New parts master report for process analysis (predictive stock) (F0304)

There is a new standard parts report that provides multiple part reporting of Process Analysis, in the same form as Process — Inventory History — Review Part Processing Analysis.

Sales Document Configuration – Find and Replace text menu added (F0305)

There is now a Find and Replace context (right-click) menu available on the Conditions and Results text fields for Groups, Items and List Lines, which can be used for convenient editing of copied list lines or items or where you have changed a variable name.

Multi-level Projected Stock Analysis for Demand (F0306)

A new function has been added to the Process — Sales Orders and Process — Jobs menu to ‘Review Stock Availability for Demand’. This uses part processing analysis to identify shortages for new or existing demand. This is also available as an open-source Sales Document Configurator sub-window. See Stock Availability Analysis for Demand for more details.

Option for Dispatch All function to Net quantities (F0307)

A general option optSODispatchAllNet has been added which controls the Dispatch All function in the SO Dispatch window. If set to 1, the option will cause the dispatch to be loaded with up to the physical quantity available for the order, otherwise the total ordered quantity is set which can cause inadvertent negative stock.

Marketing events can be multiple-selected and deleted (F0308)

The marketing events list is now multiple-select rather than single line select. The Delete Event function is now Delete Selected and the forward Delete key operates.

Provide Irish electronic transfer of Trade Statistics (F0309)

In Sales/Purchase Trade Statistics, an additional function of Electronic Submission has been provided which opens the Sales Trade Statistics and Purchase Trade Statistics Electronic Returns window. Currently there are three Irish standard output files provided for.

Dropping many parts on documents now carries a warning message (F0310)

It can be the case that accidentally very many parts are selected in the ScratchPad before a drag-and-drop is performed on a Purchase, Sales Order or Job. This will lead to the user getting stuck in a loop with many warning messages. Now, if more than 9 parts are selected, a no/yes warning message is offered to the user so when many parts have been selected the user must confirm before they are added.

Country Group-specific commodity codes (F0311)

This was provided as a plug-in for V2.10 and integrated into V3.00. Due to certain international trade circumstances it has become required that parts may have special commodity codes for certain groups of countries. To provide for this a new file slot (CCDFILE) is provided to store exception country-group/part codes. A new optPartConComcUsers system option is available in which you can list maintenance users for part country-group commodity codes. To provide for this system the Country file has had a Country Group added which can be set with File — System Manager — Countries in the Country Maintenance window. For more details see the Country Group Commodity Codes window help.

The Navigator window now has a Link icon and Open Link and Create Link functionality which is linked to the single record of MCDFILE. This enables you to link common company documents to the system. See also later enhancements to the Navigator.

G/L Cash Book and Journal have printing checkbox (F0313)

There was an inconsistency between the G/L Cash Book and Journal treatment of post posting printing. A checkbox has been added to both to give user control of this.

Option optWOQtySumUom complemented with optBoMQtySumUoM (F0314)

Option optWOQtySumUom caused the WO backflushing receipt quantity to be the sum of component quantities. It also added a mass total field to the BoM Maintenance window. This later feature is now controlled separately using the new optBoMQtySumUoM option.

G/L Cash Flow now has Hide Selected Lines menu function (F0315)

It can be useful to select entries and temporarily remove them from the list and recalculate the running balance. This is now possible using the list context menu. No changes can be performed until the Show Hidden Lines context menu function is operated.

Extend electronic transfer of trade statistics (F0316)

For electronic submission of Sales/Purchase Trade Statistics an additional choice is provided to create a shadow text file that can be viewed in a spreadsheet.

BACS payment export report capability (F0317)

There is now a standard report (that must be added as a Custom Report of type REMIT) with classname rAcRemitBacsCsv that provides a BACS payment import file for UK bank software that operate the BACS system. The export file is SIF/Sage/CSV compliant.

New print method to join customers and suppliers with marketing records (F0318)

There is now a function that can be used to join customer and supplier records with marketing linked records. $ctask.tPrint.$JoinMktRecord(pCode,pIsSupplier) enable you to effect a join. The function returns kTrue if a relationship exists and DEAFILE CRB is loaded with the default address and contact in ADRFILE and ADCFILE CRB.

Loading saved ScratchPad now has working message (F0319)

At login the system now provides a working message while reloading any saved user ScratchPad contents.

Cheque Payee Name edit facility (F0320)

It is now possible to edit the payee name of a cheque in the Cheques Re-Assignment and Changes tab-pane of the G/L Bank Cheques window.

Option for WO receipt pre-assigned location for batch (F0321)

The operation of the existing option optStockPurchRecAuto has been extended to WO receipts. You can now set it to: 0 = No auto-assignment, 1 = PO Receipt auto-assignment, 2 = WO Receipt auto-assignment, 3 = PO and WO Receipt auto-assignment.

Provision of ‘Go to Next Unallocated Credit’ on Cus/Sup payment list (F0322)

A new feature has been added to the payments transaction list context window. Go To Unallocated Credit operates from the currently selected line and selects the next line in the list where unallocated credit is available. A time-out micro-window indicates the amount of unallocated credit found.

Workflow Alert Trigger – part printed on PO where cost non-standard (F0323)

A trigger has been added that is activated if a part is printed on a purchase order where the cost does not conform to the purchase part price/break costs for the supplier.

Create P/WOs from MRP Results oCustom1 methods added (F0324)

Two methods have been added to oCustom1 custom hook object. $MrpPoListPreSort( pPoList, pCreatedFromSO) is available to provide custom manipulation of the list for POs. and $MrpWoListPreSort( pWoList, pCreatedFromSO) for WOs.

Controls added to WO kitting and receipt windows to aid customisation (F0325)

Control methods have been added to windows so that normal messages and window closing can be controlled from custom features.

New About Caliach Vision splash window with more information. (F0326)

The splash window has been re-designed to provide greater clarity of information.

New Icon designs for XP and OSX look-and-feel. (F0327)

Icons used by the system have been upgraded to Alpha-channel icons which provides for transparency depth. In addition, a suite of user icons are contained in newicons.df1 file in the icons directory of the Omnis Studio installation. These are available for use in the new Navigator. Icons are available in 16×16, 32×32 and 48×48 sizes and can be customised using the Omnis Studio design Icon Editor.

Task Toolbar has context menu for appearance controls. (F0328)

The Task Toolbar now has a context menu that offers a number of controls that can be used to choose the appearance of the toolbar.

The Navigator has been re-structured to permit grouping of functions with both group and function help and external links. You can also now control the icons shown for each group and function from a wide selection. When you operate the Setup Navigator function an additional Navigator Entry Details window opens in which you can maintain help and icons.

Email now supports SMTP Authentication. (F0330)

The Settings window now has fields for Authentication Name and Password which can be used to support SMTP authentication when sending emails.

Additional runtime error reporting controls in User Settings. (F0331)

There are user-only controls for reporting program runtime errors in the Settings window. It is generally not recommended that these are switched on unless you are asked to by technical support staff.

Additional control for headed lists in User Settings and the Lists Scheme Element. (F0332)

There are two new controls in the Settings window to control the behaviour of headed lists. Normally if headed lists have columns set too narrow to show all the data, an indication is given with a … There is now a Disable control for this. There is also a new control for the sort order indication in the heading which can be either bold/italic or an arrow. In addition, the Lists Scheme Element (that you can manage in File — Advanced — Environment) now has three additional tool controls: The row height can have a number of extra pixels applied, you can show grid lines between each row, and you can disable the row text tooltip shown when text is truncated due to a narrow column.

Headed Lists can have columns hidden using context menu on list heading. (F0333)

The user can now individually hide headed list columns, and just as with column widths and sort order, such changes will be saved so that when the window is next opened hidden columns will remain hidden. Context printing of lists also reflects hidden columns. For details see the Print List Menu help.

Addresses and Contacts re-structured for Customers, Suppliers, Marketing and Delivery Details. (F0334)

A new single Address and Contact related data structure has replaced the master data addresses and contacts structure of previous versions. The changes particularly effect Marketing, Customers and Suppliers but also Delivery Details and Sales and Purchase Orders and Jobs and Invoices and other places where addresses are relevant. For details of the new system see the Address Maintenance Subwindow window help.

Document address/contact user-formatting capability. (F0335)

When addresses are printed on documents the style of it can be controlled by the user. There is control of which elements are printed and enhanced with Bold, Italic and Underline. See the Company Details Maintenance window help Address Styles tab and the Address Document Link Maintenance window help for linked documents.

Addresses and Contacts can be linked to document types. (F0336)

A Linked Document system has been incorporated which allows you to associate particular addresses and contacts with report types. See the Address Document Link Maintenance window help.

Grouping of Standard Letters by Topic. (F0337)

Standard Letters, maintained in the marketing area are now grouped for improved management. See the Standard Letter Text Maintenance window help.

Standard letter texts can contain bold, italic and underline font enhancement tags. (F0338)

The text of standard letters can contain text enhancement tags as in HTML. These are limited to <B>Bold</B>, <I>Italic</I> and <U>Underline</U> syntax. See the Standard Letter Text Maintenance window help.

Extension of Printing Standard Letters, Envelopes and Labels (F0339)

You can now print using a context menu wherever an address/contact is shown and in Print Reports dialogues where addresses are relevant (e.g. Serial Numbers).

Customer and Supplier ScratchPads can contain Address and Contact fields. (F0340)

User defined Customer and Supplier ScratchPads can contain linked address and contact fields.

Serial Numbered Products and Tracking records can be assigned specific addresses and contacts for support. (F0341)

An End User link to an assigned customer address and contact is now maintained for both Serial Number and Tracking records. See the Product Serial Number Maintenance window help.

Marketing Events are now linked to contacts. (F0342)

Marketing Events are linked to Contacts associated with the Business record.

Workflow Event Triggers can post Marketing Events. (F0343)

A syntax has been added to Workflow Triggers such that a Marketing Event is recorded when the trigger is associated with an linked customer or supplier. See the Workflow Trigger Alert Maintenance window help.

Workflow Event Triggers can be sent to address or contact Email relevant to the event (e.g. Customers). (F0344)

Using a particular syntax you can now use Workflow Triggers to send emails to Marketing, Customer and Supplier Contacts when particular events take place, including dispatches. See the Workflow Trigger Alert Maintenance window help.

Process Route can now have Alternative Operations and Work Orders now contain independent operation routes. (F0345)

Process Route Operations can be marked as Alternative and you can have many alternative operations of the same number. Work Orders have a list of operations attached to them that can be modified, regardless of kitting and partial receipt. This enables flexible operational processing. See the Process Route Maintenance and Work Order Operation List Maintenance window help.

Capacity Planning reflects and supports changes to WO-specific route operations. (F0346)

Capacity Planning accommodates flexible WO Operations and these can be modified interactively from the WO Completion Date Change window.

If BoM components for Parts exist with external linked documents, when the part is duplicated they this duplicated with any BoM or Route links. The user can optionally decline to duplicate links. BoM Copy Assembly and Process Route Copy also offer duplicate links.

Option added to prevent non-default currency transactions on foreign currency account. (F0348)

Multi-currency transactions on AP or AR accounts is possible but when the account has a foreign default currency, this is not recommended. Future reviews and statements can only be normalised to the default foreign currency values with reference to the current exchange rate rather than that which applied at the time of the transaction. If multi-currency transactions are expected the default currency for the account should be the local currency. An option optAcNoMixedCur has been added to prevent non-default currency transactions for foreign currency accounts.

PDF report destination and email attachments are now PDF format, by default. (F0349)

Caliach has licensed software from Brainy Data Ltd and now provides an Acrobat PDF File as an additional report destination. It is implemented using the PDFDevice external. By default email attachments are in PDF format but can be set back to HTML in User Settings. For PDF options see the PDF Advanced Options window help.

Standard letters can have custom report attachments merged with data. (F0350)

Using a custom report class for a standard letter, you can designate it as an attachment. In such a case the letter text remains as the email body, which additionally has the report class printed to PDF or HTML as attachments. This makes intelligent newsletters possible, for example. See Standard Letter Text Maintenance for details.

Fixed email attachments can be used. (F0351)

If you wish to always attach certain files to emails, you can now copy them to the EmailsFixed directory. Whenever an email is sent, any files in this directory will be attached to the email.

Backup of Privileges and Settings extended. (F0352)

Backup and Retrieve of system settings and privileges has been extended to Workflow Alert Triggers, User Workflow Alert Checks and User Navigator Favourites.

Email texts can contain interpreted data using square-bracket notation. (F0353)

You can now place interpreted data into email Subject and Body texts. For example, for sales orders you could have [SOHSONO] which would interpret to the SO number. See Email Default Messages for Reports for details.

The Navigator has an Open On Startup context menu control. When checked the Navigator automatically opens when the user logs in, otherwise it will not.

Purchase History Updated flag can be reversed. (F0355)

When doing Invoice Verification in the A/P Ledger the list context menu now has a Clear Updated Flags for Selected menu function. The updated flag will be un-set for those selected list entries where the updated flag has already been set. Useful if you process the wrong PO in error.

Marketing Project Codes implemented. (F0356)

The concept of Marketing Project Codes has been implemented. A further Index Code of type 0 has been added to the Index and Other Code Maintenance window. Optionally a Marketing Project Code can be set in Customers, Marketing Business, Marketing Event, Sales Order Header, SO Line Item, Job, Sales History and Commissions files. All instances are indexed and have been added to selection windows. The system is designed to allow you to track marketing promotions or events through to sales achieved from them. See the Marketing Data Maintenance window help for more details of Marketing Project codes and their use.

Option added to suppress outwork operation change when price changes. (F0357)

The option optPOOutOpNoUpPro has been added. If set to 1, times on process route operations are not changed when WO outwork operations, received from a PO, have their prices confirmed.

The optional Firm Allocation Analysis can now handle individual POs with outwork assemblies. (F0358)

You can now analyse PO outwork assembly items. See the Special User Feature – Firm Allocation Analysis help for details.

Group and User privileges can now be printed. (F0359)

There are now Print and Print All buttons on the Menus and Toolbars tab and the Windows Tab Panes tab of the Privileges and Settings window. This will print a report of the currently displayed privileges or all group or user privileges, the later being a long report.

Re-order and re-number PO line items. (F0360)

You can now use drag-and-drop to re-order PO line items in the PO maintenance window. This can only be done if you have the list sorted by line number (in descending order) and the PO has not had any receipt of goods. When the lines are re-positioned the lines are renumbered starting from 1.

Caliach Vision V3.0000 Vital Statistics

Windows 560
Menus 72
Reports 369
Files 118
Toolbars 9
All Classes 1,433
Menu Lines Functions 689
Push Button Functions 2,275
Library Bytes 20,961,280
Library Methods 35,186
Library Method Lines 331,013
Literal Texts 28,324
Strings 5,688
Help Folders 44
Help Page Files 679
Help Graphic Files 1,160
Help Topics 633
Help Links 5,403
Help Index Words 8,582
Ref. Book A4 Pages 1,744
Ref. Book Letter Pages 1,853

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Feb 2013 12:52:00.00. No class.

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