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Job Processing: Job Stage Payments

Job Stage Payments

Job Stage Payments

This window opens when you click on the Stage Payments button on the General Invoicing tab pane of the Job Invoicing and Crediting window.

You can enter any number of lines that will be applied to the invoice.



Job Code

Jobs. Job code number = jst(MCDJOBS,’-6N0P0′). {JOBFILE.JOBCODE char 6 Idx}

Sales Value

Jobs. Total net sales value after discounts (without tax) in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBSALE number 2dp}

Invoiced Value

Jobs. Total invoiced value (without tax) in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBINVV number 2dp}. This includes any lines to be invoiced in this session.

Percentage Invoiced

The percentage of the sales value invoiced.


Make the entries in the grid. To add an entry to the end, tab out of the last line. To remove a line, blank the account code.


Enter a percentage proportion of the total sales value for a new invoice line.


Enter a value for a new invoice line.



Add Line Items

To add line items for the job to the invoice.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class wJobInvStage last modified 18 Feb 2015 01:54:41.

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