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  4. Purchase Orders: Supplier Selection

Purchase Orders: Supplier Selection

Supplier Selection

Supplier Selection

This window enables you to select a supplier for a new purchase order or otherwise. Type in the supplier code, use the navigation buttons, use KeyWord Search or the Supplier ScratchPad to select the desired Supplier and confirm with an OK.

Tip TIP: You can apply the optPOShowSupComment user option. This provides a pop-up window that will display the selected supplier’s comments text. If set to 1, all supplier comments are displayed. If set to START,END the program will search for a text contained within the START and END markers (which can be any alphanumeric strings. If only ,END is specified, all text up to the END marker is displayed, if only START is specified, all test from the START marker is displayed. Being a user-level option, multiple aide-memoires can be provided for different users or groups.



Supplier COde

Suppliers. Supplier unique code identifier. {SUPFILE.SUPCODE char 6}

Company Name

Suppliers. Supplier company name. {SUPFILE.SUPNAME char 40}


The full given name of the contact for the selected supplier.

On Stop

An indication is provided if the on-order limit has been exceeded for the supplier.




Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class wPurchSup last modified 12 Jan 2015 05:07:23.

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