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General Program Functions: Ad Hoc Where and Sort Fields Menu *

Ad Hoc Where and Sort Fields Menu

Optional context functions for AdHoc Where and Sort fields.




Insert Column Insert Column

Opens a column selection listing to allow insertion of an appropriate column name.


Yesterday Only

For yesterday only.


Today Only

For today only.


Last 7 Days

The last 7 days to yesterday.


Last Week

Last week ending last Sunday.


Last 2 Weeks

Last 2 weeks ending last Sunday.


Last 4 Weeks

Last 4 weeks ending last Sunday.


This Month

From the start of the current month to today.


Last 6 Weeks

Last 6 weeks ending last Sunday.


Last Month

Last calendar month.


Last 3 Months

Last 3 calendar months.


This Year

This calendar year to today.


Last Year

Last calendar year.


Last 2 Years

Last 2 calendar years.


Last 5 Years

Last 5 calendar years


Compiled in Program Version 5.00. Help data last modified 29 Dec 2014 02:08. Class mAdHocWhereSort last modified 29 Dec 2014 02:08:05.

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