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Jobs and Estimating: Job Line Item Maintenance

Job Line Item Maintenance

Job Line Item Maintenance - Item Details pane

This subwindow lists all Estimate or Job line items and displays the selected item details in the tab pane below. This subwindow is found in the Job Maintenance window.

You can add parts using drag and drop from the Parts ScratchPad.



Item List

All line items will be listed for the Job. Click on a line item to show and edit the full details.

Line Details

The number of Job line items and the total of part item weight this represents.

Net Total Ordered Value

The total value for all ordered items on the Job, inclusive of discount but exclusive of tax.

Gross Total Ordered Value

The total value for all outstanding items on the Job, inclusive of discount and tax.




This will create a new (normally blank) record in the file. You will then be able to enter details for the record. Then confirm with an OK, or abandon the New record with a Cancel.


This will create a Copy of the current record displayed on the window. You will then be able to change the details. Confirm with an OK, or abandon the new record with a Cancel.


Execute this button to permanently remove the currently selected record from the file. If you are permitted to delete the item, you will be asked for confirmation, otherwise an explanation will be given.

The window has 4 tab panes.

Item Details 
Pricing Details 

Item Details

Essential base details for the selected order line item.



Part number

Job Items. Part number (optional relation to PTMPTNO). {JBIFILE.JBIPTNO char 18}

Tip TIP: You can setup the optJobNoEngChange option in Settings Maintenance. If the value is 1, users will be prevented from adding a part which has Engineering-in-Progress set to a Estimate or Job, rather than just given a warning.

Tip TIP: You will receive a warning if you add a N-type Non-Stock part, but this warning message can be suppressed with the option optSONoNTypePartWarn set to 1.

Part type

Parts Master. Part type (A,B,M,N,O,P). {PTMFILE.PTMTYPE char 1}

Work Centre

Job Items. Work Centre code (optional relation to WKCCODE). {JBIFILE.JBIWKC char 4}

Work Centre Description

Work Centres. Description of work centre. {WKCFILE.WKCDESC char 30}


Click this button to display a list of alternatives for the field alongside the button. Double-clicking on a list line will enter the value from the list.

Work Centre list

A list of all available Work Centres. Double-click on a Work Centre line to select it for the operation.

Set time

You can use HMSP syntax here. Job Items. Planned operation setup time for item quantity in hours. {JBIFILE.JBISETT number 2dpShortnum} (See below)

Run time

You can use HMSP syntax here. Job Items. Planned operation runtime for each item unit in hours. {JBIFILE.JBIRUNT number 4dp} (See below)

Lag Time

You can use HMSP syntax here. Job Items. Planned operation lagtime for item quantity in hours. {JBIFILE.JBILEAD number 2dpShortnum} (See below)

Description or operation instructions

Job Items. Item description. {JBIFILE.JBIDESC char 10000000}

Order quantity

Job Items. Quantity of item for issue to the job. {JBIFILE.JBIQTY number 3dp}

Sales UoM

Job Items. Sales unit of measure. {JBIFILE.JBISAUM char 6}

Planned cost

Job Items. Unit planned cost in job currency. {JBIFILE.JBICOST number 3dp}


Job Items. Default percent margin on price when calculating price from cost (50% = double cost). {JBIFILE.JBIMARG number 2dpShortnum}

Tip TIP: For part items the margin is calculated from the cost and the appropriate sales price, however for work centre operations the default margin is that of the work centre and the price is calculated using that and the operation cost.

Due date

Job Items. Date due for use or operation completion. {JBIFILE.JBIDATE date date1980}

Tip TIP: Besides individually setting the due date of line items, there is a way to set all line items in one go to a particular date or even a date calculated in a custom algorithm. This is the process:

  1. Right-click on the date field.
  2. Select Date Calculator, or choose that from the ScratchPad main menu.
  3. Calculate a date so it appears in the calculator result (below the Today button).
  4. Click on that result date and drag-and-drop it onto the list of job line items.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: The above date drag-and-drop can be intercepted by oCustom1.$JbiDateDrop method which takes the date, document header row and item list as parameters. You could devise a sophisticated re-dating algorithm here to bypass the default behaviour of the drag-and-drop mechanism. There are other possible uses this feature could be put to.

List price

Job Items. Unit selling price in job currency. {JBIFILE.JBIPRIC number 2dp}

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: oCustom1.$AfterSoAutoPriceCalc method provides for interception of the automatic part price calculation for situations where complex customised pricing may be needed.



Show Extra Part Text

To show the extra texts associated with a part. You will be able to change these texts. It opens the Part Sales Texts window.

Configure a New Part

To add a line item with a newly configured assembly part. This can only be activated with a saved document.

This button only has any function if the Parent Number prefix in Job Configuration has a non-blank value. Sales Item Configuration options are set up in File — System Manager — Sales Item Configuration.

Given that you have an appropriate setup in the System Manager section, you can create new assemblies with associated Bills of Material and Process Routes directly using this feature.

To add a line item with a newly configured assembly part. It opens the Sales Item Configuration and Select Like-Part for Components Listing windows.

Customer Parts Details

To open the Customer Parts Maintenance window.

Entering Time Values using HMSP Syntax

The system stores and uses times in decimal hours. 1.5000 hours rather than 1hr 30min. However, you can enter time in a number of different ways that will automatically convert to the equivalent decimal hours when you leave the field.



Example which Converts to


h or H

1h30m = 1.5000


m or M

20m = 0.3333


s or S

3.6s = 0.0010


: or ;

1:30 = 1.5000



1:30m36s = 1.5100

Pieces per hour

p or P

100p = 0.0100

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Pricing Details

Job Line Item Maintenance - Pricing Details pane

Pricing details for the selected order line item.



List sales price per unit

Job Items. Unit selling price in job currency. {JBIFILE.JBIPRIC number 2dp}

List price value

The total value for the line item quantity, exclusive of discount and tax.

Quick payment value

Quick payment discount value if applied.

Discount rate

Job Items. Discount % applied to the item value. {JBIFILE.JBIDISC number 2dpShortnum}

Unit discounted price

The discounted sales price before tax per sales unit of measure.

Value discounted

The discounted value for the entire line item, exclusive of tax.

Unit discounted price including quick payment discount

The discounted sales price before tax per sales unit of measure and including quick payment discount if applied.

Discounted value inclusive of quick payment discount

The discounted value for the entire Sales Order line item, exclusive of tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

Tax rate

Job Items. Tax % applied to item value. {JBIFILE.JBITAX number 2dpShortnum}

Unit price with tax

The sales price per sales unit of measure, inclusive of discount and tax.

Value with tax

The total value for the Sales Order line item, inclusive of discount and tax.

Unit net price inclusive of quick payment discount

The sales price per sales unit of measure, inclusive of discount and tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

Value with tax inclusive of quick payment discount

The total value for the Sales Order line item, inclusive of discount and tax and including quick payment discount if applied.

Tax regime and class

Job Items. Tax regime code applicable. {JBIFILE.JBITAMC char 6} and Tax class applicable. {JBIFILE.JBITAXC char 1} See the Tax Maintenance window for full details of the tax handling system.

The default regime is provided from the Job header which in turn derives from the customer or the additional dispatch addresses, if applied. The default class comes from the part or default sales non-part setting in the company details.

Commission agents

Job Items. Commission agents Job Item invoicing (comma separated list of COMIDs). {JBIFILE.JBICOMA char 100}. The agents applied by default are the agents listed for the customer or additional dispatch address, if applied, filtered by the commission class of the part, work centre or non-part class set in company details. The resulting default commission agents comma-separated list can be modified, however on leaving the field the system checks that codes are valid, sorts the list and removes any duplicates.

Note NOTE: For more details of the commissioning agents system within the program see the Commissioned Sales Agents Maintenance window and the Sales Commissions Review window topics.

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Additional item information and settings.

Job Line Item Maintenance - Additional pane



Stock UoM

Parts Master. Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6}

Balance due

Job Items. Balance due of item to issue to the job. {JBIFILE.JBIBAL number 3dp}


The mass of the balance due quantity of the selected part item.

Sales UoM

Job Items. Sales unit of measure. {JBIFILE.JBISAUM char 6}


Job Items. Multiplier of Stock UoM to get Sales UoM. {JBIFILE.JBIMULT number 4dp}

Completed date

Job Items. Date completed. {JBIFILE.JBICOMP date date1980}

Ignore as MRP demand

Job Items. Ignore as MRP demand flag (part items only). {JBIFILE.JBIMRP boolean}

Sales account

Job Items. Sales posting G/L account code. {JBIFILE.JBIACCO char 10}

Account description

General Ledger Accounts. Description. {GLAFILE.GLADESC char 40}

Estimating notes

Job Items. Estimating comments. {JBIFILE.JBIESTI char 10000000}

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Planning implications for the selected part or operation. Different fields are visible depending on the line item selection.

When Part Item Selected

Job Line Item Maintenance - Planning pane when a part item is selected



Current Quantities

For details see the Parts Current Quantity subwindow.

Period Usage

See the Parts Usage subwindow for details.

When Operation Item Selected

Job Line Item Maintenance - Planning pane when an operation item is selected



Standard works text code

Job Items. Standard works text code. {JBIFILE.JBITXW char 4}


Click this button to display a list of alternatives for the field alongside the button. Double-clicking on a list line will enter the value from the list.

Works Standard Text List

A list of all works standard texts contained in the standard text library. Double-click on a line to select and enter it.

Standard text

Standard Texts (E,P,S,W). Text. {TXTFILE.TXTTEXT char 10000000}

Extra scheduler text

Job Items. Extra information for schedule transfer of operations. {JBIFILE.JBIXTRA char 10000000}

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 10:37:00.00. Class wJbiMaintSub last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:17.

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