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Jobs and Estimating: Job Maintenance

Job Maintenance


Jobs and Estimating can be viewed as an alternative to the more conventional Quotation, Sales Order, Work Order, Dispatch process cycle. Estimates and unconfirmed Jobs. Jobs are like Sales Orders but can include operations and therefore combine parts, work operations and non-part items in one document. They integrate fully into all scheduling processes elsewhere in the program. Estimates and Jobs are specific to customers and are processed in the following order: A Estimate is prepared and printed and can later be confirmed as a Job. Alternatively, a Job is entered directly. A Job Acknowledgement can be printed.

A Job can contain any number of both part-numbered and non-part-numbered items and work operations linked to a work centre. The status of stock and Job Items can be reviewed in different ways. A combined Picking and Make-To List, or separate Picking List and Make-To List can be printed. The complete or part issue is confirmed and the operation processing can be recorded in Job Operation Working.

Finally the Job can be invoiced in two alternative ways; by line item or as general invoices. The Invoices are then printed and customer payments logged. This cycle is provided to give control of all stages of the process: Estimate, Job, Issues, Operation completion, Invoicing and Payment.

The system uses the following files of data:



Job Headers

One Job Header record must exist for each Estimate or Job. Each record contains information about the order as a whole. (See later in this section for more details.)


An Estimate or Job is specific to a Customer whose details are integrated into the document. The Customer record contains a value of current On-order value which is automatically maintained. (See Customers topic for more details.)

You can apply the optSOShowCusComment user option. This provides a pop-up window that will display the selected customer’s comments text when new documents are created. If set to 1, all customer comments are displayed. If set to START,END the program will search for a text contained within the START and END markers (which can be any alphanumeric strings. If only ,END is specified, all text up to the END marker is displayed, if only START is specified, all test from the START marker is displayed. Being a user-level option, multiple aide-memoires can be provided for different users or groups.


A Customer is always associated with a country. The Country can determine the treatment of Sales Tax and the recording of Trade Statistics. (See Country Maintenance window for more details.)


Estimates and Jobs can be in any foreign currency defined in the Currency file. The exchange rate of the foreign currency is applied to the order at the time of its creation. (See Currency Control window for more details.)

Job Line Items

The details of each item are recorded in this file. Jobs can contain part line items, non-part items and operation items. (See later in this section for more details.)


Job line items for parts are related to the Parts Master record. The Due to SOs/Jobs field in the parts record is automatically adjusted to reflect the quantity of the part due to Sales Orders and Jobs and not yet dispatched or issued. (See Parts topic for more details.)

Work Centres

Job line items for operations are related to the Work Centre record. You can not have a line item that has both a part number and a work centre code. The costing and pricing is linked to the rates applicable to the work centre. (See Work Centre Maintenance window for more details.)

Product Serial Numbers

Job line items may be associated with Product Serial Number records in advance of the issue and also after the issue in the same way as Sales Orders. (See Serial Numbers topic for more details.)


When invoices are created from a job, the Invoice file stores the header details associated with the invoice. Sales History forms the line items of the invoice. (See also Ledgers – Accounts Receivable topic for further details.)

Sales History

At the time a Job is invoiced the invoice line items are recorded as sales history. Job items remain on file and are marked as completed. Sales History is used as the line items for Invoices and also can be used to prepare trade statistics.

Job and Estimate Maintenance

All creation and maintenance activities take place within this window. Changes you make are only permanently recorded after clicking on the Save as Shown button, other than line item deletions which take place immediately after confirmation.

Note NOTE: You will not be permitted to Delete a Job or Renumber its line items if there are any outwork operations awaiting receipt on a Purchase Order. You will also be prevented from changing a line items if it is an outwork operation and has been ordered on a PO.



Save as Shown

To save the changes you have made to the data file.

Revert to Saved

To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

The window has 4 tab panes.

Customer and Terms 
Financial Details 
Line Item Details 

Customer and Terms

Job Maintenance - Customer and Terms pane

The job or estimate customer, references and payment terms.



Customer code

Jobs. Customer code. {JOBFILE.JOBCUSC char 6}

Customer name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Job Number

Jobs. Job code number = jst(MCDJOBS,’-6N0P0′). {JOBFILE.JOBCODE char 6}

Confirmed as Job (otherwise Estimate)

Jobs. Released flag (Estimate when not true). {JOBFILE.JOBRELF boolean}

Note NOTE: You will not be permitted to convert a Job back into an Estimate if there are outwork operations awaiting receipt on a Purchase Order.

Customer reference

Jobs. Customer reference. {JOBFILE.JOBCREF char 20}

Tip TIP: The optSOCrefCheck option can be applied. If set to 1, a check is made for SOs and Jobs that the customer reference is unique for that customer in current open documents. If not a warning is given.

Additional reference

Jobs. Additional user reference. {JOBFILE.JOBAREF char 6}

Marketing project code

Jobs. Marketing project code applicable to the entire job, default from CUSMKTP (IDXID = con(‘0’,JOBMKTP)). {JOBFILE.JOBMKTP char 4 Idx} See the Marketing Data Maintenance window help for more details of Marketing Project codes and their use.

Marketing project description

Index and Other Codes. Index code, scrap reason, QA test or Incoterm description. {IDXFILE.IDXDESC char 255}


Lists the available marketing codes set up the File — System Manager — Index Codes. Double-click on a listed code to enter that value.

Created date

Jobs. Date job created. {JOBFILE.JOBDATE date date1980}

Creator’s user identification

Jobs. Creator’s user ID. {JOBFILE.JOBINIT char 3}

Started date

Jobs. Date job started. {JOBFILE.JOBDATS date date1980}

Completion due date

Jobs. Date job due for completion. {JOBFILE.JOBDUED date date1980}

Completed date

Jobs. Date job completed. {JOBFILE.JOBDATC date date1980}

Currency code

Jobs. Currency code. {JOBFILE.JOBCUR char 3}

Warning WARNING: Mixed currencies on accounts which do not have the local currency as their default currency is NOT recommended. Future reviews and statements can only be normalised to the default foreign currency values with reference to the current exchange rate rather than that which applied at the time of the transaction. If multi-currency transactions are expected the default currency for the account should be the local currency. You can force the currency to the default currency of the customer using the optAcNoMixedCur system option. This will disable the edit of the currency for customers with foreign default currencies.

Exchange rate

Jobs. Currency exchange rate. {JOBFILE.JOBRATE number float}

Quick-payment discount %

Jobs. Quick payment discount %. {JOBFILE.JOBQPDI number 2dpShortnum}

Quick-payment days

Jobs. Quick-payment days (or months) which will be used to generate invoice quick-payment date. {JOBFILE.JOBQPDA number 0dpShortnum}

Payment days

Jobs. Payment days. {JOBFILE.JOBPDAY number 0dpShortnum}

Note NOTE: You can enter a negative payment days. This has special significance. If you set it to -1 the system will force the due date on an invoice to be the same as the invoice date itself. If you set it less than -1, say to -NN, the payment date will be set to NN-1 days from the invoice date. These rules operate in days only and are regardless of the default payment policy (from Invoice, Month-End or Period-End) or Days/Months set in the Company Details Maintenance window. This allows you to override the normal system’s operation of payment dates for special customer payment term conditions. For instance it may be that your normal terms of business are ‘One Month from End of Month’ but for some special customers you want payment on invoice and others a number of days from invoice.

Payment terms

Jobs. Payment terms to customer. {JOBFILE.JOBTERM char 1000}

Special header text

Jobs. Header text. {JOBFILE.JOBHEAD char 10000000}

Credit available

Indicates the total credit available to this customer at the current time. Calculated from the credit limit and the customer’s current account balance.

On order value

Customers. Current on-order value (exclusive of tax) in local currency. {CUSFILE.CUSORDV number 2dp}

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Job Maintenance - Addresses pane

To view details of the invoice and delivery addresses for the document.



Invoice Address

Shows the selected Invoice Address. Use the button to change to an alternative Invoice Address.

Right-click on this field to obtain print functions for the currently selected address and contact (default for customer, if individual address):

Address and Contact additional context menu functions.

Print Standard Letter opens the Standard Letter Selection window and Print 4×4 Label opens the 4 by 4 Label Position window.

Default customer address

Select this option to load the default customer address.

Alternative address

Select this option to choose an alternative address.

Individual address

Select this option to choose an individual address which you enter directly.


To create or select an alternative Invoice Alternative Address or change an individual address.

The Address Selection window is brought forward.

Delivery Address

Shows the selected Delivery Address. Use the button to change to an alternative Delivery Address. The print functions and likewise available from the context menu.

Default customer address

Select this option to load the default customer address.

Alternative address

Select this option to choose an alternative address.

Individual address

Select this option to choose an individual address which you enter directly.


To create or select an alternative Delivery Alternative Address or change an individual address.

The Address Selection window is brought forward.


User Defined Fields

These fields are available for any use you wish to put them. They are not used or reported by the system and are provided for use with custom searches or reports or Ad Hoc reports. There are 4 character fields that are limited to 1, 4, 18, and 30 characters respectively. The field descriptions are set in File — System Manager — Company Details Maintenance window Descriptions tab pane.

Tip TIP: You can selectively get the system to inherit customer record user defined field data onto Jobs. This is done by setting the following system option:

  • optJobInheritsUserFields

The option value is set to 1234, or any combination of those numbers. It will cause those Job user defined fields to be inherited from the customer fields.

User 1

Jobs. User character field 1 (single character). {JOBFILE.JOBUSE1 char 1}

User 2

Jobs. User character field 2 (4 characters). {JOBFILE.JOBUSE2 char 4}

User 3

Jobs. User character field 3 (18 characters). {JOBFILE.JOBUSE3 char 18}

User 4

Jobs. User character field 4 (30 characters). {JOBFILE.JOBUSE4 char 30}

Dispatch and packing details

Jobs. Comments. {JOBFILE.JOBCOMM char 10000000}

Initially the Default dispatch and packing details are loaded from the default customer address record when the customer is selected for the document. Subsequently, if an alternative delivery address is selected, that address record’s default is applied. Thereafter, you can amend the contents, but if you select another delivery address later, that address record’s default will be re-applied. This data is not printed on Estimates, Jobs or Invoices (unless a custom design). They can be included on some reports and will print on the Picking List and Dispatch Note and may be reviewed at the time of a invoicing.


Jobs. Incoterm code (Blank or IDXTYPE=9). {JOBFILE.JOBINCO char 4}

Incoterms are the internationally agreed method of designating trading transactions which cross national borders. They define the limits of commercial responsibility for the selling party and so clearly define the limits of cost of the delivery of the goods. In the system they are defined in File — System Manager — Index Codes. An Incoterm generally requires a parameter which is usually a place or port name. A delivery additional address Incoterm will override the customer’s. A Job Incoterm will be copied to any resulting invoices.

Incoterm description

Index and Other Codes. Index code, scrap reason, QA test or Incoterm description. {IDXFILE.IDXDESC char 255}


Click this button to display a list of alternatives for the field alongside the button. Double-clicking on a list line will enter the value from the list.

Incoterm Place

Jobs. Incoterm parameter (usually a named place or port). {JOBFILE.JOBINCP char 60}

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Financial Details

Job Maintenance - Financial Details pane

Financial details of the job or estimate.



Default sales account

Jobs. Default G/L sales posting account. {JOBFILE.JOBACCO char 10}

Account description

General Ledger Accounts. Description. {GLAFILE.GLADESC char 40}

Default invoice line item text

Jobs. Default invoice line item text. {JOBFILE.JOBDIVT char 10000000}

Commission agents

Jobs. Commission agents for general invoicing on Job (comma separated list of COMIDs). {JOBFILE.JOBCOMA char 100}. The agents applied by default are the agents listed for the customer or additional dispatch address, if applied. The resulting default commission agents comma-separated list can be modified, however on leaving the field the system checks that codes are valid, sorts the list and removes any duplicates.

Note NOTE: For more details of the commissioning agents system within the program see the Commissioned Sales Agents Maintenance window and the Sales Commissions Review window topics.

Net sales value

Jobs. Total net sales value after discounts (without tax) in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBSALE number 2dp}

Net invoiced value

Jobs. Total invoiced value (without tax) in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBINVV number 2dp}

% Invoiced

Percent of net sales value that has been invoiced.

Forecast cost

Jobs. Cost current forecast in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBFORE number 3dp}

Cost issued

Jobs. Cost value issued or recorded to date in currency. {JOBFILE.JOBCOST number 3dp}

% Issued Cost

Percent of forecast cost that has been issued.

Margin on Forecast

The net amount of net sales value above forecast cost.

Margin on Issued

The net amount of net invoiced value above cost issued.

% Issued Margin

Percent of forecast cost that has been issued.

General Invoicing (not line items)

Jobs. General invoicing (not line items). {JOBFILE.JOBGENI boolean}

Tax regime and class

Jobs. Tax regime applied to general invoicing. {JOBFILE.JOBTAMC char 6} and Tax class applicable when general invoicing. {JOBFILE.JOBTAXC char 1} See the Tax Maintenance window for full details of the tax handling system.

The default regime is provided from the customer or the additional dispatch addresses, if applied. The default class comes from the default sales non-part setting in the company details.

Tax amount

The amount of tax payable on the net sale value at the rate.

Sales Price with Tax

The net sale price plus tax without any quick payment discount.

Sales Price with Tax with Quick-pay Discount

The net sale price plus tax and any quick payment discount.

Invoice List

Jobs. List of invoices and credit notes applied to the job with value and tax. {JOBFILE.JOBINV list}

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Line Item Details

Job Maintenance - Line Item Details pane

This pane gives details of line items for the job or estimate. Please see the Job Line Item Maintenance subwindow for details.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class wJobMaint last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:17.

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