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Advanced Functions: – Advanced Menu

– Advanced Menu

Advanced Menu

Advanced functions menu.




SQL Statements Manager

To manage SQL dynamic queries, sort sets and clause shortcuts stored in the ExtrasStatements.db database. See the SQL Statement Manager topic.


Re-Set Data Files

Enables you to reconstruct damaged areas of data, including rebuilding calculated values held on master data files. See the Data File Integrity Maintenance topic.



To rebuild file indexes internally within the data file. Only use after backing up the data file. See the Re-unite Missing Relatives and Kill Orphans and Re-index Files topic.


Re-Unite Missing Relatives

Will verify all relationships between data files and correct where possible. System and network problems can cause inconsistencies between these file data fields. See the Re-unite Missing Relatives and Kill Orphans and Re-index Files topic.


Create New Database and Copy Data

To create a new database or overwrite an existing one and copy the current data into it. See the Create New Data File topic.


Keyword System Settings

To setup Keyword system parameters and other Keyword functions such as rebuild. See the Keyword System Settings topic.


Link System Maintenance

To setup the Linked File system and manage link types and link records. See the Link System Maintenance topic.


Language Swap Maintenance Language Swap Maintenance by File

This function opens the Language Swap Maintenance by File window. See also Introduction to the Language Swap System.


Affects the program appearance, generally applicable only to the current terminal. See the Environment Designer topic.


Stored Reports Maintenance

Enables you to delete and modify stored reports. See the Stored Report Maintenance topic.


Report Setups

Enables you to change the page setup for specific reports. See the Report Class Setup topic.


String Maintenance

To amend text strings used in the program. See the String Maintenance topic.



Provides for language change and other localisation customisation. See the Language Management topic.


Change Management System

Opens the Change Management System control window for moving and updating library classes. See the Change Management System Class Mover topic.


Feature Suggestions and Faults

Provides a database of program feature enhancements, fixed faults, user wishes and reports. Use this to make a program change request or fault report. See the Program Faults, Feature Enhancements, Requests and Reports Maintenance topic.


Upgrade via the Internet

To upgrade the program via the Internet or transfer a Change Management System file. See the Change Management System Upgrade via the Internet topic.


Programmer Interface

Provides an entry window into which code segments can be typed or pasted and then run. See the Programmer Interface topic.



To review or change your license details for the program. See the License Details and Authentication topic.


Data Transfer Utility Data Transfer Utility

Installs the Data Transfer menu that provides extensive import and export capabilities. See the Data Transfer Menu topic.


Special Functions Utility Special Functions Utility

Installs the Special Functions menu with a number of unusual capabilities. See the Special Functions Menu topic.


Customisation Utility Custom Features Utility

This function will only operate when you are running the Design edition of Omnis Studio. It opens all libraries that can be found in your Custom directory, typically OpenVision.lbs.


Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 22 Sep 2017 07:29:29.44. Class mAdvanced last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:46:38.

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