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General Program Functions: Help Menu

Help Menu

Help Menu

This menu provides help on the program and window functions.




Vision Help Topics Vision Help Topics

Opens the Vision Help Topics window. This window contains a browser-like interface to the program reference book (without window illustrations).


What's This? What’s This?

Will initiate the context sensitive help cursor. Point with the mouse on a window, object or menu for which you want help. Click and the Vision Help Topic will be opened in the Help Browser.


Window Tooltips Window Tooltips

Switches window and menu context-sensitive tooltips-style help ON and OFF. Tooltips are available on all window and toolbar objects and menu help is shown on a bar at the bottom of the display.


About Caliach Vision About Caliach Vision

Open the About Caliach Vision window showing details of the program and license.


Interactive Help Browser Window

Help Browser

The Help window has four panes.


The Contents pane displays help topics organised by category in a hierarchical list.

  • To open or close a book icon, double-click the icon or name
  • To view a topic, double-click the topic icon or name


The Index pane displays help topics in alphabetical order.

  • To view a topic, double-click the topic name

You can click in the list and type the beginning of a topic name to search for it. The program will highlight the topic which begins with the text you typed. To clear the current search press the backspace key. If the first character is a ‘*’ the program will highlight any topic which contains the text following the *. For example, if you type ‘*customer’, the program will jump to the first topic containing the word ‘customer’. You can press the ‘+’ (plus) and ‘-‘ (minus) keys to go to the next or previous matching topic.

The Search pane displays a complete list of words contained in the Help. If you have a particular word or words in mind this is the place to go.

  • To search the list, type the word or words separated by spaces in the entry box at the top of the pane

As you type, the program jumps to the nearest matching word in the word list, and the topics found list shows the topics which contain the word or, for multiple words, all of the words you entered.

  • To view a topic, double-click the topic in the topics found list


The Topic pane displays the help topic in a Web Browser. Note that if you don’t have a suitable Browser object installed on your system, help is displayed in a separate Browser window and the Topic pane is hidden.

The Back and Forward buttons let you navigate through the topics which you have already visited. The Print button lets you print the current topic to the printer. The Copy button lets you copy the selected text to the clipboard. Note that some of these buttons are not supported in some versions of the Browser.

The Bookmarks menu lets you add, organise, and pick your topics using bookmarks. You can add links to specific help pages in the Vision Help, or any page on a website.

The Bookmarks menu contains a few links to the Caliach website.

WarningWARNING: Note that bookmarks to help pages contain the full address of the topic. If you then move your help folder to another location, these addresses will become invalid.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class mHelp last modified 2 Dec 2014 02:21:40.

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