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Purchase Orders: – Purchase Orders Menu

– Purchase Orders Menu

Purchase Orders Menu

The Purchase Orders menu provides functions and procedures relating to Purchase Order processing. See below for an Introduction To Purchase Orders.




Select Order or RFQ

To select a Purchase Order and show the details in it. You will be presented with a dialogue box in which you can navigate to select the Purchase Order of interest. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a PO or RFQ with the Select Purchase Order dialog.


New Order or RFQ

To create a new Purchase Order. You will be required to select a supplier. After entry of details and confirmation the new Purchase Order will be automatically given the next serial number. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a Supplier with the Supplier Selection window.

Tip TIP: You can apply the optPOShowSupComment user option. This provides a pop-up window that will display the selected supplier’s comments text. If set to 1, all supplier comments are displayed. If set to START,END the program will search for a text contained within the START and END markers (which can be any alphanumeric strings. If only ,END is specified, all text up to the END marker is displayed, if only START is specified, all test from the START marker is displayed. Being a user-level option, multiple aide-memoires can be provided for different users or groups.


Change Order or RFQ

To change details on the header of a Purchase Order. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a PO or RFQ with the Select Purchase Order dialog.


Duplicate Order or RFQ

To duplicate the selected PO with a new range of delivery dates. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are offered options with the Duplicate Purchase Order Options dialog.


Convert RFQ into Order

To convert a previously created Request for Quotation into a full Purchase Order. The process can not be reversed. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a PO or RFQ with the Select Purchase Order dialog.


Move Delivery Dates

To mass-change delivery-due dates on a PO, for a part or supplier. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are offered options with the Change Order Item Dates dialog.


Change Order or RFQ Supplier

To change the supplier of the selected PO. This function opens the Purchase Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a new Supplier with the Supplier Selection dialog.


Delete Order or RFQ

To delete an entire PO with all its currently outstanding items. Any goods received on this PO will remain in purchase history. This function operates on the Purchase Order Maintenance window.

Tip TIP: You can also mass-delete documents from the listing window. From the document selection dialog, click on the Show Listing button with an appropriate selection, then select the documents you want to delete in the list and right-click on the list to Delete Selected Documents. This function can save a great deal of time when cleaning house.


Outwork Kit Review and Process

To review or process outwork kit items in a Purchase Order. This function opens the PO Outwork Kit Review and Processing window.


Create KanBan Orders

This function opens the KanBan Purchase Order Entry window.


Review Purchase Order or RFQ

Opens the PO details window and selection dialog. Provides full details review. This function opens the Purchase Order or RFQ Details window.


Review Preparation History

To review a list of inventory history information relating to a Purchase Order. This function opens the Order Preparation Listing window.


Print Order or RFQ

To print a Purchase Order. Successful printing of a Purchase Order will be recorded on the order header. You are prompted for a PO or RFQ with the Select Purchase Order dialog.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: For a method of printing multiple documents without page breaks between them see Print Picking Lists on the Process — Dispatch menu.


Print PO Reports

Provides reports for currently outstanding Purchase Orders. This function opens the Purchase Order Report Selection window with the PO Header Selection subwindow.


Print PO Item Reports

Provides reports for currently outstanding Purchase Order Items. This function opens the Purchase Order Item Report Selection window with the PO Line Item Selection subwindow.


Introduction To Purchase Orders

Caliach Vision enables you to create and process the acquisition of material supplies for the manufacturing process through a Purchase Order system. The Purchase Order system is fully integrated to the inventory system within Caliach Vision.
The Purchase Order system requires that you have “Suppliers” set up and at least one “Delivery Details” record in the “System Manager” section.

Purchase Orders can be created as Request For Quotation (RFQ) documents. RFQs can be used as documents for supplier bidding purposes. An RFQ can be readily converted into a Purchase Order without re-keying any information.

The system uses the following files of data:


Contents and Purpose

Delivery Details

Provides delivery information to the Supplier. Each Purchase Order must have a related Delivery Details record and it’s data is printed on the PO document. (See the Goods-Inwards Delivery Details Maintenance window for more details.)


A Purchase Order is specific to a Supplier whose details are integrated into the PO document. The Supplier record contains a value of current On-order value which is automatically maintained. (See Suppliers topic for more details.)


A Supplier is always associated with a country. The Country can determine the treatment of Tax and the recording of Trade Statistics. (See Country Maintenance window for more details.)


Purchase Orders can be in any foreign currency defined in the Currency file. The exchange rate of the foreign currency is applied to the order at the time of its creation. (See Currency Control window for more details.)

Purchase Order Headers

One PO Header record must exist for each order. Each record contains information about the order as a whole. (See the Purchase Order Maintenance window for more details.)

Purchase Order Line Items

The details of each ordered item are recorded in this file. POs can contain part line items, non-part items and Work Order or Job outwork operation items. Part numbered items can be simple ordinary parts, Outwork Assemblies (requiring issue of the kit to the supplier) or PO Kits (‘P’hantom type parts where the kit components are received into stock rather than the assembly). (See the Purchase Order Line Item Maintenance window for more details.)


PO line items for parts are related to the Parts Master record for the ordered part. The Due from P/WO field in the parts record is automatically adjusted to reflect the quantity of the part due from Purchase and Work orders and yet not received. (See the Parts topic for more details.)

Purchase Parts

This is a library of Part-Supplier specific information for purchasing. It is, in effect, a library of default PO line item data. A part can have any number of suppliers. This data can be automatically generated at the time parts are received into stock from Purchase Orders. (See Purchase Parts topic for more details.)

Purchase History

At the time a PO item is received it is recorded as a history record. When an PO line item is completed, it will be removed from the Line Item file. When all Line Items have been received the PO Header is removed from the file. Returns can be made to suppliers, and if required the order can be re-created to maintain the returned items on backorder. Purchase History can be used for Supplier Invoice Verification and to prepare trade statistics. (See Purchase History topic for more details.)

Purchase Order Processing



Review MRP Results

MRP forecasting will consolidate requirements from direct and dependant demand and recommend a purchasing plan. You can print a report that lists all recommendations for parts with a particular Preferred Supplier.

Make the decision to purchase

Normally, a Purchase Order will be printed and sent to the Supplier. If a telephoned-in order is sufficient for the supplier, a PO need not be printed, but it must be created.

Prepare to send outwork kit to supplier

If any ordered items are Outwork Assemblies, components and/or assemblies that need to be sent to the supplier will be scheduled by MRP.

Dispatch consolidated outwork kit

Consolidated outwork kit items must be dispatched to the supplier with the PO. There should be no shortages. Printed PO shows kit lists. Kit items can also be returned.

Receive PO items from the supplier

Items can be received from suppliers in any partial quantities. On receipt, purchase history and purchase part records are automatically created or updated. A Goods Received Note can be printed for each receiving session.

Return reject goods to the supplier

Items can only be returned to suppliers once they have been received. History of the return can be used to calculate suppliers’ quality performance and, if you have the Ledgers option, is helpful for invoice verification.

Receive Invoice from the supplier

With the Ledgers option, you should post the supplier invoice. The Invoice Verification feature enables you to consolidate several POs and check values and the inclusion of returns.

Review payments due

With the Ledgers option, you can track supplier account status in the A/P section. You may routinely prepare ledger cards or send them to suppliers when there is a query.

Send cheque to settle supplier account

With the Ledgers option, you must post payments made and can generate printed cheques with a customised cheque design.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class mPurchOrder last modified 28 Feb 2013 03:41:10.

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