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Work Orders: Work Order Details

Work Order Details

Work Order Details - Document pane

This window is a general purpose review window for Work Orders. It is opened if you drill down on a reference to a work order and if you click on the Show button on the Select Work Order window. This is simply a review window and no changes can be made. However, right-clicking on the Work Order Number will provide access to the Works menu for maintenance functions.



Work Order Number

Work Orders. Work order number. {WKOFILE.WKOWONO char 6}


Who created the WO and when.

The window has 4 tab panes.

Kit Status 
Route Operations 
Completed Operations 


Details of the work order.



Assembly Part Number

Work Orders. Part number (parent assembly). {WKOFILE.WKOPTNO char 18}

Part Issue Reference

Work Orders. Assembly part issue reference (when WO created). {WKOFILE.WKOISSU char 4}

Part Description

Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}

Order Quantity

Work Orders. Quantity ordered. {WKOFILE.WKOOQTY number 3dp}

Latest Kitting Date

Work Orders. Latest kitting and start date. {WKOFILE.WKOLATE date date1980}

Balance Due

Work Orders. Balance due still for completion. {WKOFILE.WKOBAL number 3dp}

Planned Completion Date

Work Orders. Date of planned completion. {WKOFILE.WKOCDAT date date1980}


Work Orders. User reference for WO. {WKOFILE.WKOUSER char 15}

To Be Backflushed

Work Orders. To be backflushed flag. {WKOFILE.WKOBACK boolean}


Work Orders. Comments printed on header of WO. {WKOFILE.WKOCOMM char 2000}

User 1

Work Orders. User character field 1 (single character). {WKOFILE.WKOUSE1 char 1}

For more details, see the Work Order Maintenance window topic.

User 2

Work Orders. User character field 2 (4 characters). {WKOFILE.WKOUSE2 char 4}

User 3

Work Orders. User character field 3 (18 characters). {WKOFILE.WKOUSE3 char 18}

User 4

Work Orders. User character field 4 (30 characters). {WKOFILE.WKOUSE4 char 30}

Ignored by MRP

Work Orders. Ignored by MRP flag. {WKOFILE.WKOMRP boolean}

List Kit on Printed WO

Work Orders. Provide component list on printed WO flag. {WKOFILE.WKOKITL boolean}

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Kit Status

Work Order Details - Kit Status pane



Kit Status List

List of kit list for the Work Order showing status. Double-click to put parts in ScratchPad.

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Route Operations

Work Order Details - Route Operations pane

This pane shows a list of work centre operations that the WO will undergo.



Operation List

List of operations for the Work Order regardless of any current work completion.

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Completed Operations

Work Order Details - Completed Operations pane

This pane shows a list of work centre operations that have been recorded as completed.



Work History List

A list of the operation batches logged so far. The times can be edited in the Log Performance function.

Total Logged Hours

The total time so far logged to the WO.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 10:26:00.00. Class wWoShow last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:51:14.

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