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Sales Order: Order Preparation Listing     


This window is a general window for order preparation history. It is used for Sales Orders, Jobs, Purchase Orders and Work Orders.

When you add ordinary parts to an Order or change quantities or delivery due dates for them, stock (inventory) history is normally recorded. System Preferences settings can be used to prevent the creation of these order preparation records. Any automatically created stock history will contain a document reference that identifies it to the Order associated with it. When you Review Preparation History you gain access to a list of inventory history records associated with the selected Order. Quotations, Estimates, Request For Quotations do not have Order preparation records maintained. Nor do non-part items or Non-stock type parts.

First, you must select the Order of interest, which may only exist in history. This is done in the Order Selection window.

TIP: You can setup the optPOPrepDateChange, optSOPrepDateChange and optWOPrepDateChange system-level option in Settings Maintenance. If set to 1, these options will record due date changes in PO, SO, Job and WO preparation history so that there is an audit trail of date changes. In the case of WOs, the completion date is the date recorded.

Quantities are always in Stock UoM.

File Path

Process > Sales Order > Review Preparation History…

This file path takes you to the Sales Order Preparation History Report


Identifies the order you have selected.

Select Another Order button

To build a new list for another order. This button will open the Order Selection window.

Movement list

Lists all inventory movements associated with the selected Order.

Preparation Movement Types

Provides an index to the Movement Types that may be included in the listing above.

To print a report of the listed movements. Right-click to change the report destination.

See also:Sales Orders Menu Jobs Menu Purchase Orders Menu Work Orders Menu

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 29 February 2024.

Class wordpreplist (Order Preparation Listing) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: Process > Sales Orders >  Review Preparation History…

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