Upgrading Caliach Vision to a New Version
When a new version of Caliach Vision is supplied you will have to copy your custom classes into the new OpenVision.lbs that will be installed with the new Vision version.
Caliach has a structured version control policy. The version number increments in three parts, as follows.
The first number left of the decimal relates to the major license release, as in V1. or V2. These will need license renewal and may need major changes to any custom features you have.
The hundredth decimal relates to the structure version, as in V1.12 and V1.13. These two versions may have different data structures and may need minor changes to custom features you have.
The final two digits relate to the maintenance version, as in V1.1203. This indicates that the program is running with number 3 maintenance update of V1.12. Maintenance upgrades are usually in the form of a ProgCode.upt update downloaded across the Internet.
When Caliach releases a new structure version of Caliach Vision (i.e. VN.NN change) you will need to install all workstations with the new version of Caliach Vision after downloading the full installation from the Internet.
Upgrading an Existing Installation
When you have a currently running multi-user installation of Caliach Vision, the overall upgrade process should be as follows:
- Do not disturb other users until you have upgraded Caliach Vision on your workstation.
- Having installed the new version of Caliach Vision DO NOT attach to your main business data file, select TrainingData.df1 from the Data folder while you carry out the upgrade to your custom features. This is a good time to apply a customised Environment scheme.
- Do an File — Advanced — Upgrade via the Internet. This will ensure you have the latest maintenance release, if available, and place the ProgCode.upt file in the Data folder.
- NOW Upgrade your ProgCode.usa file as discussed below in Upgrading Your Customisation with a Full Installation.
- Having satisfied yourself that you have a fully working and customised Caliach Vision installation on your machine, get all other users off the system and backup your Main Business Data file.
- Discard any ProgCode.upt and ProgCode.usa files from the Main Business Data folder (or Direct Path if you are using ODB), as this relate to the older version of Caliach Vision.
- Copy your upgraded ProgCode.usa and, if there, the ProgCode.upt files to the Main Business Data folder (or Direct Path if you are using ODB).
- Now connect with your new Caliach Vision to your Main Business Data file. Your copy of Caliach Vision will be updated with your customisation classes from the ProgCode.usa and following this will automatically upgrade the data to the new version. This process can sometimes take a good time depending on the size of the datafile and the extent of structural changes.
- From this point other users can not enter the datafile with the old version of Caliach Vision.
- Having satisfied yourself that the data and program are running correctly, install the new Caliach Vision on all user computers. Normally it is better to use the installer on each computer in case the computer is missing needed system files. However, often it is more convenient to copy the file set across the network.
- All users can now enter the system.
- Users will notice that their window settings (position, size, list columns, etc) will have defaulted to the standard. You can recover them using Restore layout from Archive if you have previously archived them using Archive Current Layout in the Environment Designer.
Installation from a Download
The Caliach Vision installer can be downloaded from the support section of www.caliach.com. The name of the installer contains reference to the major version and the operating system. Typically in the form CaliachVision-4.10-windows-installer.exe. In the case of Windows it is an executable that you can run. In the case of Mac OSX it is a disk image file that, if opened, will mount on you desktop to reveal an installer application to run. Otherwise the installer operates identically on both operating systems.
Caliach Vision and its associated folder structure and ancillary files are all installed from a single installation file which also contains both Runtime and Design editions of Omnis Studio. To install, follow the instructions in the installer wizard. You can choose to install just the runtime Omnis Studio or both Runtime and Design editions. These too will be installed within the Caliach Vision folder, typically C:CaliachVision-4.10 or Applications:CaliachVision-4.10. To ensure everything is tidy, the installer is not designed to place the executable in C:Program Files on Windows.
If you are re-installing on top of an existing installation of the same major version, files will be overwritten, but files added since the first installation will not be removed.
You may then want to copy accumulated valuable files such as those in Archive, Graphs, Export, etc. from the old version folder structure to the new, so that you don’t loose anything valuable.
Upgrading your Customisation with a Full Installation
Always keep a backup of your custom classes by holding a secure copy of your edited OpenVision.lbs file and ProgCode.usa file, and fully document any file class changes you have made and Strings you may have customised.
Place your previous ProgCode.usa file into your Custom directory, if it is not already there.
NOTE: If you are upgrading to Caliach Vision V1.10xx or later from V1.0xxx you should read the special note Upgrading Caliach Vision to V1.10 from Earlier Versions.
Launch the new Caliach Vision using the design edition of Omnis Studio. You should at this stage avoid attaching to your Main Business Data. Attach to TrainingData.df1 which you will find in the Data directory of your Caliach Vision installation.
- Operate the menu function File — Advanced — Custom Features Utility. This will open any libraries in your Custom directory including the latest OpenVision.lbs.
- Now operate File — Advanced — Change Management System. This will open the Change Management System Class Mover window.
- Click on the List CMS
tool to view the contents on your old ProgCode.usa file.
- If your list contains an oCustom1, oLinkProgram or oSOCustom object classes (that will contain some customised code), select OPENVISION in the library list. Then select the list lines for these classes and click on the oCustom1
tool. This will migrate any custom code in your CMS data copy of the class into the new version of the class in OpenVision. If the list contains any modified standard File classes (typically named ???FILE), note the class names and delete them from the list using the Delete
- Now select all the classes in the list, excluding oCustom1, oLinkProgram and oSOCustom.
- Click on the From CMS
tool. All your custom classes will be copied from the old ProgCode.usa into your new OpenVision.lbs library.
- You now may wish to carry out any modifications to your custom classes to take account of program enhancements or other changes that have been introduced in the new version of Caliach Vision and any File class changes you maintain. You do this inside OpenVision using the Omnis Studio tools available.
WARNING: Important when traversing from before V4.1000. V4.1000 made a change to the data structure of ProgCode files to accommodate multi-language Strings. As a result ProgCode.usa files prior to V4.1000 are incompatible with V4.1000 and beyond. At this point therefore you should close the CMS window and discard (or rename) the CustomProgCode.usa file. Then operate File — Advanced — Custom Features Utility and then File — Advanced — Change Management System again. This time you will be asked if you wish to create a new ProgCode.usa file. Answer Yes. Then in the step below include all your customisation from OpenVision.lbs. You will also need to re-create custom Strings from your documented history using File — Advanced — String Maintenance, if you had any in the past, and these may also need to be translated for other languages.
- Where you have made any changes to classes (including your updated oCustom1, oLinkProgram and oSOCustom if you have any), and any modified File classes identified earlier, they need to be copied back into what is now your new ProgCode.usa file. To do this, view OpenVision classes in the CMS Class Mover, select any classes that have changed and click on the Copy CMS
- When you are happy that your ProgCode.usa file contains all updated classes, close the Change Management System Class Mover window (which will also close OpenVision and other libraries). Then copy the ProgCode.usa file from your Custom directory to the Main Business Data folder (or Direct Path if you are using ODB). It will then be ready to update users and your own copy of the new Caliach Vision.
- You are now complete and can restart Caliach Vision, perhaps this time using the runtime Omnis Studio.
See also: – |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 7 Oct 2013 07:08:00.00. No class.