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Ledgers Manager: Account Consolidation – Export Subsidiary Results

Account Consolidation – Export Subsidiary Results

Account Consolidation - Export Subsidiary Results

This function provides for the export of G/L month-end results. The export file can then be transmitted to a parent business where the data can be imported into a consolidated general ledger. Each subsidiary must be given a unique subsidiary code in the Account Manager Controls Maintenance window.

On entering this window you must first select the period of results you wish to export from the popup list. Only those periods that have been closed are available.

Note NOTE: All subsidiaries and the parent must have the same scheme for period descriptors in the Ledger Calendar. The system keys on the period descriptor, so great care must be made to have identical codes in all business calendars.

Click on the Collect Data button to populate the list. The data exported will be the account code, currency code, an indicator (P or B) to show whether it is a trading or asset account, the value (-ve being credit) and an optional comment you can add. Trading accounts show a period turnover value and asset accounts show a change in balance for the period.

Lines will be exported only if there is a non-zero value or if you have added a comment. The comment is useful as it will be listed on the printed report and will remain against the transaction imported into the consolidated ledger.

Having prepared the data in the list, you can export the results and optionally print a report using the Export Data button. If the Directory Path is blank, you will be prompted for a filename and path. This path will be stored in the program and will be available on a future occasion. The name you give the file is irrelevant as the system will rename it using a special convention:

For example: WESTY01M01.exp is an export file from subsidiary WEST for the period Y01M01.

The export file is a tab-delimited text file and can be read with a text reading program, such as Notepad, or a spreadsheet. For example:

WEST   Y01M01   020319990931
010000 GBP P -3945.22 -3945.22
010100 GBP P 0.00 0.00 No orders this month
010500 GBP -5960.65 -5960.65

The first line is a header, which confirms the subsidiary code, period identifier and date and time of file creation. All other lines contain the exported data as listed previously in the window.

Field and Buttons


Select the period

List of closed G/L periods. Select the period for data collection and export.

Collect Data

Click to collect the data into the list for the selected period.


List of data collected for the specified period.

Account code

General Ledger Accounts. Account code (combined account group and cost centre). {GLAFILE.GLACODE char 10}

Account description

General Ledger Accounts. Description. {GLAFILE.GLADESC char 40}

P or B

P=Trading account or B= Asset account.


Budget and Period G/L History. Currency code. {BUDFILE.BUDCUR char 3}

Value in currency

Budget and Period G/L History. Period history amount in currency for period. {BUDFILE.BUDHISTF number 2dp}

Value in local

Budget and Period G/L History. Period history amount in local currency for period. {BUDFILE.BUDHIST number 2dp}


You can enter a comment that will carry through to the consolidation journal.

Export directory path

The full path of the export data file directory. This path will be recorded for future use. Leave this blank to select a directory.

Print also

Check this option to have the results printed for future reference.

Export Data

Click to create the export file.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:34:00.00. Class wAcGlConsE last modified 18 Feb 2015 01:54:34.

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