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Ledgers Manager: Account Consolidation – Import from Subsidiary

Account Consolidation – Import from Subsidiary

This function provides for the import of G/L month-end results from subsidiaries and the maintenance of an account mapping structure. Each subsidiary must be identified by a unique subsidiary code.

For a subsidiary to be recognized, you must have an account map for it. Account mapping effectively lists which account in the consolidation general ledger a subsidiary account value should be posted. Select the G/L Account Code Mapping pane to setup or change the mapping of a subsidiary.

The window has 2 tab panes.

Import of Subsidiary Business Accounts 
G/L Account Code Mapping 

Import of Subsidiary Business Accounts

Account Consolidation - Import from Subsidiary - Import of Subsidiary Business Accounts pane

The first pane provides for import of subsidiary accounts.

Enter the Subsidiary Code and Period Identifier for the data you are going to import. The program will automatically identify the import file using the file naming convention described in the Subsidiary Export section previously.

Note NOTE: All subsidiaries and the parent must have the same scheme for period descriptors in the Ledger Calendar. The system keys on the period descriptor, so great care must be made to have identical codes in all business calendars.

Click on the Import Data into List button. The Directory Path is used to identify the directory in which all your import files are stored on your computer. If it is left blank, you will be prompted and will need to enter a temporary file name (the file created will be automatically deleted). The directory path is stored in the program for subsequent re-use.

On import, the program matches the subsidiary accounts with the consolidation G/L account mapping. If there are any missing mappings, you will not see an account code and description. In this event you should go back to the mapping maintenance and add this account mapping and then re-import.

You can print a report of the imported data using the Print Imported Results button.
After you import, a Journal can be created with transaction lines for each imported line. The Journal lines are given the document reference of CON-WEST-Y01M01, where WEST and Y01M01 are the subsidiary code and period ID respectively. Checks are then made on the validity of the data before the journal is created.

1. You cannot import data from a period that has been closed in the consolidating ledger.
2. You cannot import twice (using the document reference as a check).
3. All entries must be mapped.
4. Any foreign currency items (foreign, that is, to the consolidation ledger) will lead to an exchange rate entry dialogue being displayed (see Account Consolidation – Set Currency Conversions).
5. Any postings to the tax control account will cause the tax control dialogue to appear for entry of control information.
6. The sum of all currency normalised values must equal to zero.



Directory Path

The full path of the export data file directory. This path will be recorded for future use. Leave this blank to select a directory.

Subsidiary code

Enter the subsidiary code of the subsidiary you wish to consolidate.

Period descriptor

Enter the period descriptor of the subsidiary export file.

Import Data into List

Import the data into the list. This will not save the data.


List of imported results.


Account code from subsidiary.


General Ledger Accounts. Account code (combined account group and cost centre). {GLAFILE.GLACODE char 10}

Account description

General Ledger Accounts. Description. {GLAFILE.GLADESC char 40}

P or B

P=Trading account or B= Asset account.


Budget and Period G/L History. Currency code. {BUDFILE.BUDCUR char 3}

Value in currency

Budget and Period G/L History. Period history amount in currency for period. {BUDFILE.BUDHISTF number 2dp}

Value in local

Budget and Period G/L History. Period history amount in local currency for period. {BUDFILE.BUDHIST number 2dp}


Ledger Transactions. Comments on transaction. {TRAFILE.TRACOMM char 30}

Print also

Check to also print the results after the posting.



Print Imported Results

To print a report of the imported results.

Save Imported Results as a Journal

To save the imported results as a journal in the current G/L period. If you have currency conversions to make a window will request you to apply rates for these. If there are foreign currencies involved the Account Consolidation – Set Currency Conversions window will open.

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G/L Account Code Mapping

Account Consolidation - Import from Subsidiary - G/L Account Code Mapping pane

In the first instance, you can enter a subsidiary code and click on Add Accounts Set to create a one for one mapping for the subsidiary, based on the consolidation general ledger account codes. You can then go in to change the subsidiary account code to match the subsidiaries codes. To add extra individual entries, scroll to the bottom of the list and click into the last line. Tab past the end of the line and a new empty line will be added to the list. To delete and entry, remove the subsidiary account code. To confirm all you additions and changes, click on the Save button.

Note NOTE: Any subsequent import using the mapping will check for logical errors, such as missing codes or trading accounts mapped to asset accounts.

Having set up an account mapping structure for a subsidiary, you can now import the data by closing the mapping window and returning to the Import window.




Enter a subsidiary code for which you want to create an account set.

Subsidiary code

G/L Account Consolidation Mappings. Subsidiary business code. {NOCFILE.NOCSUBC char 4}

Subsidiary account

G/L Account Consolidation Mappings. Account code from imported subsidiary accounts. {NOCFILE.NOCIMPO char 10}


G/L Account Consolidation Mappings. Account code into which posting is to be imported. {NOCFILE.NOCACCO char 10}


General Ledger Accounts. Description. {GLAFILE.GLADESC char 40}



Add Accounts Set

Click to create a set in the list of account mappings for the entered subsidiary.


To save the changes you have made to the data file.


To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 03:54:00.00. Class wAcGlConsI last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:47:51.

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