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Ledgers Manager: Non-balancing Transactions

Non-balancing Transactions

Unlock Ledgers Message

When you attempt to enter this function window, you will be warned that the ledger data will be UNLOCKED. You must re-lock the data before any month-end processing. Before that time you must have a balancing General Ledger and use the Lock Ledgers Now button on this window.

Within the window enabled you may set up account balances in all ledgers without balancing contra transactions taking place. Choose the ledger and enter an account or use the Scratchpads and drag and drop to select an account.

To post a one-sized transaction having selected the account, enter the amount and other details. The new balance or current period turnover will be shown. Confirm using the Post Transaction button. You can delete any transactions made in error in the Error Correction pane of the Audit Trail of Transactions window.

When entering a transaction you can set the transaction date. If you are entering a debit transaction in an A/R or A/P account the due date is also automatically set using the customer payment terms or defaults in the Ledger Manager details. Note that the period is always set to the current selected ledger period, regardless of the date you enter.

Transaction process

Initial Balance

Type 050



to G/L or A/R or A/P a/c






Accounts Receivable

Choose a customer account.

Accounts Payable

Choose a Supplier account.

General Ledger

Choose a G/L account.

Account code

Customer, Supplier and General Ledger Account.

Account name or description

The account company name or G/L description.

Amount in currency

Ledger Transactions. Gross amount in currency debited (-ve credited) to account. {TRAFILE.TRAGROSF number 2dp}

Currency code

Ledger Transactions. Currency code. {TRAFILE.TRACURR char 3}

Exchange rate

Ledger Transactions. Currency exchange rate. {TRAFILE.TRARATE number float}

Amount in local currency

Ledger Transactions. Gross amount in local currency debited (-ve credited) to account. {TRAFILE.TRAGROS number 2dp}

Transaction date

Ledger Transactions. Date of transaction. {TRAFILE.TRADATE date date1980}

Due date

Ledger Transactions. Date payment due. {TRAFILE.TRADUED date date1980}

Document reference

Ledger Transactions. Document reference. {TRAFILE.TRADOCR char 15} NOTE: Document Reference values can not be between “XX-000000” and “XX-999999” where XX is either ASS, CA, CH, CR or IN, as these are reserved for the system.


Ledger Transactions. Comments on transaction. {TRAFILE.TRACOMM char 30}

Future in currency

Future period balance or year-to-date turnover in currency.

Future after in currency

Future period balance or year-to-date turnover after processing the transaction in currency.

Future in local

Future period balance or year-to-date turnover in local currency.

Future after in local

Future period balance or year-to-date turnover after processing the transaction in local currency.



Lock Ledgers Now

To enable period-end processing the General Ledger must balance. In entering this window you will have unlocked the ledgers. Click on this button to lock the ledgers, at which time the system will check that the General Ledger balances.


Click to cancel the data entry and clear the window.

Post Transaction

After entering details of a transaction, click to post it to the data file.

Lock Ledgers Now

Once you have made all the transactions you require, click on the Lock ledgers now button. It will only be permitted if the total of all G/L current period turnover and current balances equal zero. Once the account is locked it can only be unlocked if you re-enter this function. Month end or Year end processing can not be undertaken unless the ledgers have been successfully locked.

Warning WARNING: No check is ever made of the validity of customer or supplier accounts. With these accounts you need to use the A/R and A/P Ledger Control Analysis function in each ledger to determine if there are any errors.

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 6 May 2012 17:25:00.00. Class wAcInitbal last modified 12 Sep 2017 11:27:21.

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