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Ledgers Sales or Accounts Receivable: Credit Control Memo Review

Credit Control Memo Review

Credit Control Memo Review with Review tab pane

This will provide a list of all active memos for the ledger, depending on the ledger menu you have operated.

Using the list header buttons you can view the current list of memos in a number of different sort orders. You can select a number of memos and print them, change their active and status (if you have privileges for the Approvals tab pane) and add in in-active memos, using the buttons provided. You can modify the next action date.




Lists initially all active memos for the ledger.

Memo text

Credit Control Memos. Credit control comment. {TRCFILE.TRCCOMM char 1000}

Next action date

Credit Control Memos. Next action date. {TRCFILE.TRCNEXT date date1980}




To revert any changes to the previously saved version.


To save the changes you have made to the data file.

The window has 2 tab panes.



This tab pane offers a number of review type functions.



Print Selected

To print a report of the selected memos in the list.

Add Inactive Memos

Click to add the ledger’s inactive memos to the listing.

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Approvals tab pane

This tab pane offers a number of approval type functions for changing Active and Status settings.



Change Active

Click to change the active flag of the selected memos in the listing.

Change Status

Click to change the status of the selected memos in the listing. Permanent Bar will become Waiting Approval, Waiting Approval will become Approved and Approved will become Permanent Bar.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wAcTrcReview last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:47.

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