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Ledgers Manager: Ledgers Year-End Processing

Ledgers Year-End Processing

Ledgers Year-End Processing

Year end processing is less comprehensive than month-end processing and can be carried out at any time following the month-end processing for a year on the General Ledger.

You can select the periods in the past year, the last period serial number and the periods in the coming year.

The first number determines the extent to which historical data is accumulated to give the account’s Last year trading turnover value.

The third figure determines the extent of the This year budget value.

The year-end processing can be carried out at any time after the G/L month-end of the final period in the past year.

Year end processing is not a reversible process.



Periods in past year

The number of periods in the past year (normally either 12 or 13). This figure determines the extent to which historical data is calculated to give last-year’s trading turnover values.

Months in past year

This will indicate the number of calendar months that the periods you have entered encompass.

Last period of past year

Enter the descriptor of the last period of the past year. This confirms to the system the date of the end of last year.

Last period end date

Indicates the end date, from the ledgers calendar, of the last period of the past year you have entered.

Periods in coming year

Enter the number of periods in the coming year. These periods should have already been entered in the ledger calendar. This figure determines the extent for calculating this year’s budget values.

The end date on next year

Indicates the date of the last period in the coming year.




To process the year end for the ledgers. Year-end processing can be carried out at any time after the G/L month-end of the final period in the past year. Year-end processing is not a reversible process.

Undo Year-End

This function is available for circumstances where you may have proceeded to perform a Year-End but then find that you need to do a further Retrospective Journal within the closed year. The process sets the Last Year End Date back exactly one calendar year so if you do not have a period entry of that date in your Ledger Calendar you cannot perform this function, nor can you go back to a year start that is not one year previously. After setting the new year-end date, the process will perform a General Ledger Re-Set Balances and Turnovers, which requires all other users to be off the datafile.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wAcYearend last modified 12 Sep 2017 11:40:40.

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