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Graphs 2: Graphs 2 and Data Views Web Service

Graphs 2 and Data Views Web Service

This window is where you can view server collections of Graphs and Data Views available for download from www.caliach.com support. On the To Server tab pane, you can contribute to the collections with designs of your own. The window can be opened from either the Graphs 2 Maintenance Toolbar or Data View Maintenance Toolbar by clicking on the Web Web tool.

The window has 2 tab panes.

From Server 
To Server 

From Server

Graphs 2 and Data Views Web Service window From Server tab pane

The radio buttons control whether you view graphs or data views in the lists below.

Activities involved in retrieving material from the Caliach server.

The Manage Web Content is only available for Caliach staff to manage the web site.

To use the window, first choose from Graphs and Data Views using the radio buttons. Then click on the Get Data From Server. That will read from the server the available topics and designs and load them into the two lists. Click on a topic on the left to view the designs on the right. This process does not download the designs themselves, simply the indexes that are maintained on the server so it is quite fast.

If you want to view a specific design, select it and click on the View Selected Details button. This will download the design and open the Graphs 2 and Data Views Web Details Review window so you can see the raw XML design text, and in the case of a graph a picture example of it.

If you click on the View All Available Details then all designs will be downloaded in one go and stored so that with the window open, selecting any design will show in the details window.

If you want to download a particular design into your database select the design and click on the Save This Design button. This will download the design with all its component files and save them in your data file. Associated images and fonts will also be downloaded. See the Introduction to Graphs 2 topic for more details on this.



View Graphs

Choose to view Graphs.

View Data Views

Choose to view Data Views.



Get Data From Server

Click fetch available designs from the server and view Graphs and Data Views.

View Selected Details

Click fetch the full details of the Selected Graph or Data Views, initially downloading them.

View All Available Details

Click to fetch the full details of all available Graph or Data Views, downloading them if not already available.

Save This Design

Click fetch the full details of the Selected Graph or Data Views, downloading if needed and then save it to our collection of local designs in the datafile.

Manage Web Content

Click to manage the server contents.

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To Server

Graphs 2 and Data Views Web Service window To Server tab pane

Choose this tab pane for activities involved in posting new material to the server.

The main part of the window is a tree list of the Graphs and Data Views stored in your data. Click on the Refresh Tree List button to build the list in the first place. Then if you want to upload a design, click on a design and then the Submit to Server. You will then be asked to login by the Graphs 2 and Data Views Caliach Server FTP Login window.

The design and any associated files, such as fonts or images, will be uploaded and placed in a Submitted by Users section. From there it may be re-allocated by the webmaster.



Submit to Server

Click to send your design to the Submitted by Users section on the Caliach Web site.

Refresh Tree List

Click to refresh the list in case Data Views or Graphs have been added.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 29 Dec 2014 04:08:00.00. Class wDGWeb last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:11.

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