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Sales Dispatch: Invoice or Credit Note Selection and Dispatch Note Selection

Invoice or Credit Note Selection and Dispatch Note Selection

Invoice or Credit Note Selection and Dispatch Note Selection

Sales Invoicing and Credit

Normal Invoices are stored in the form of Invoice and Sales History records, which themselves are prepared automatically when a Sales Order item dispatch takes place. Cash-Before-Delivery Invoices are those issued prior to goods dispatch. They control paid-in-advance sales transactions. For normal Invoices, when one or more line items of a Sales Order is dispatched, an Invoice Number is automatically assigned to the Sales History records produced by the dispatch. If the Record Sales History option in the System Preferences is set to OFF, then no Invoicing is possible. Once a CBD Invoice is created a further Invoice will not be created by the dispatch process, nor can any dispatch take place before the Invoice is marked as paid or sufficient unallocated credit exists on the customer account. Nor should the Sales Order be changed after the CBD Invoice is created without re-printing the CBD Invoice and re-sending it to the customer.

If the Ledgers license option is in use, the Accounts Receivable and General Ledger transactions will be automatically processed when Invoices are created. You are also able to produce ad-hoc Invoices and Credit Notes not associated with dispatches. You can also add non-part items to an Invoice after it has been produced automatically by a dispatch.

No provision is made in the system to adjust any Sales History, except for the Trade Statistics fields of the data. Therefore, normal Invoices will reflect the currencies, prices, discounts, tax amount and other data valid at the time the dispatch was confirmed.

Normal Sales Invoices and Credit Notes are identical in all respects within the system. The difference only comes in the total value; if positive it is an Invoice, if negative a Credit Note. Invoice and Credit Note line item details are maintained as Sales History records. The Invoice/Credit Note header is stored in the Invoice file.

Normal Invoice data is automatically generated when a dispatch takes place and Credit Note data when a customer return is logged. The documents can be printed after the respective processes are recorded.

Manually enter Invoice Numbers option: The following only applies to the Ledgers license option: With the Ledger Manager Control option Manually enter Invoice Numbers rather than auto-number, a dialogue will be presented to the user each time an invoice or credit note is prepared by the system. The user must enter a unique number and press OK to continue. An additional option may be available to post the invoice in a previous A/R period. This option is only available when the current G/L period is prior to the current A/R period. If you activate this option the Invoice postings to the General Ledger will be posted under the current G/L period rather than the current A/R period.

Warning WARNING: Both the manual entry of Invoice Numbers and the early period posting options are not consistent with accounting practice or tax authority regulations. You should only use these options with a full understanding of the accounting implications they will have. In the case of invoice numbering a supporting book procedure should be adopted.

Selection Window

This window is a general purpose selection dialogue for Invoices, Credit Notes and Dispatch Notes.

Selection can be by Invoice, Sales Order or Dispatch Note number (leading zeros are automatically appended) or by Customer code. The navigation arrows can be used as can the Customer Scratchpad. For Credit Notes, the Sales Order Number will always be CREDIT and for Invoices not produced by a dispatch but produced in the Ledgers A/R feature will have a sales order of EXTRA. When a dispatch take place of a Sales Order which has been marked for No Invoice on Dispatch, the invoice record will have a blank invoice number (this also applies to sales history line items).

Click on the Show Listingto cause a list of Invoices and Credit Notes to be built and displayed in the Sales Invoice List window based on the choice you have made in the selection dropdown list.



Invoice Number

Enter the Invoice you want to select. Leading zeros will be automatically appended. Use the Tab key to have the system locate the Invoice.

Sales Order Number

Enter the number of a Sales Order you know to have been the source of the dispatch.

Dispatch Note number

Enter the Dispatch Note you want to select. Leading zeros will be automatically appended. Use the Tab key to have the system locate the Dispatch Note.

Customer code

Enter a customer code and use the Tab key to locate the first Invoice relating to the customer.

Customer name

Customers. Customer company name. {CUSFILE.CUSCNAM char 40}

Type of invoice

Invoices. Source type (0 = Sales Order, 1 = CBD on Sales Order, 2 = General, 3 = Job). {INVFILE.INVTYPE integer shortint}

Invoice date

Invoices. Date creation date. {INVFILE.INVDATE date date1980}

Invoice printed

Invoices. Invoice printed (True when printed). {INVFILE.INVPRIN boolean}

Tip TIP: Normally an Invoice is marked as printed only if it is printed directly to a Printer or Email. It will not be marked as printed if it is sent to the Screen or Preview and from there on to the Printer. You can override this behaviour such that it will be marked as printed regardless of the destination by setting the Option optInvPrintMarkAll to 1. You can generally override the Printer and Email default destinations with the optRepDestMarkDoc option that allows you to set a selection of destinations for which documents will be marked as printed.

Invoice paid

Invoices. Invoice paid (True=paid). {INVFILE.INVPAID boolean}


Invoices. Currency symbol code. {INVFILE.INVCUR char 3}

Exchange rate

Invoices. Currency rate applicable when issued. {INVFILE.INVRATE number float}

Amount paid

Invoices. Invoice amount paid. {INVFILE.INVPAY number 2dp}

Amount due

Shows the total value remaining outstanding against this Invoice. A negative value will indicate a credit to the customer.

Quick payment

Invoices. Quick payment discount received on payment flag. {INVFILE.INVQPAP boolean}

Quick payment discount

Invoices. Quick payment discount percent. {INVFILE.INVQPDI number 2dpShortnum}

Tip TIP: Normally, when the same part is applied to consecutive line items any part extra texts (individual or standard) are suppressed so the first line only contains them. This is to reduce unnecessary duplication. However, this normal behaviour can be prevented with the user Option optSOPartTextDupl set to 1. Extra texts are then repetitively printed. If this option is set the effect will apply to all customer documents including Sales Orders, Jobs and Invoices.




Click to open the Sales Invoice List window with the selected invoice shown.

Selection options

Choose a selection for the listing.

Show Listing

Click to show a list of documents based on the selection below. It opens the Invoice Details window.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.


Will cause a report to be printed of the subject matter. Right-click to change the report destination.

The window has 2 tab panes.

Payment Terms 

Payment Terms

Select to view and modify (if permitted) payment terms.



Payment terms

Invoices. Payment terms. {INVFILE.INVTERM char 1000}

The payment terms and due date that is provided by default is as set on the Sales Order. On printing the Invoice for the first time, you may change these terms and date. However, once the Invoice has been printed the terms and date can not be changed. Before clicking on the Print button or pressing the Enter key, ensure that your printer is available.

Quick-payment date

Invoices. Quick-payment date after which the discount is not available. {INVFILE.INVQPDT date date1980}


Enter the number of days (normal days) between the Invoice date and the quick-payment date to calculate the due date.

Payment due date

Invoices. Payment due date. {INVFILE.INVDUED date date1980}


Enter the number of days (normal days) between the Invoice date and the payment due date to calculate the due date.

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Option Tab Pane

Select to choose activity and printing options.



Print part extra texts

Check if you want extra sales text, if any, to be shown on printed document part line items.

This option can be used to control the extent of detail printed for parts on the Invoice. Serial Numbers and batch information assigned to the dispatch will always be printed. This control determines whether any extra sales texts for the part are printed. Related engineering data that may appear on Sales Order Acknowledgements is never printed on Invoices.

Tip TIP: There is an option optSerialNoPrintInvoice. If set to 1 or YES, the printing of serial number information on Invoices, Credit Notes or CBD Invoices (but not Dispatch Notes) will be disabled.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: To prevent serial number information printing on a Dispatch Note, you can make a custom version of the rDispatchNote report class and overwrite the $AddSNOText inherited class method.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: To remove the Issue data from the serial number information or change its text, modify string s0523 in File — Advanced — String Maintenance, clearing the contents of the string completely to suppress its use.

Print SO header texts

Check if you want extra SO header texts, if any, to be shown on the printed document.

Consolidate part line items

Check if you want line items with the same part number to be consolidated into a single line on the printed document. Lines will be re-numbered. This only effects the printed output and not the stored data.

Do not explode kit items

Check if you do not want kit items to be exploded. This applies to dispatch notes only.



Edit Dispatch or Packing Details

Click to edit the dispatch shipping or packing details. This opens the Dispatch or Packing Details window.

Reverse Printed Flag

Click to change the Printed flag. An un-printed invoice is generally marked as original.

Change Invoice Date

Click to change the Invoice date and all related data dates. This function is only available if you have privileges for the Process — Dispatch — Customer Payments or Ledgers — Accounts Receivable — Change Invoice or CN menu items.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 11 Nov 2012 04:03:00.00. Class wInvNoSelect last modified 17 Oct 2017 04:29:54.

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