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  4. MRP Planning, Processing and Results: MRP Run Demand Selection and Options

MRP Planning, Processing and Results: MRP Run Demand Selection and Options

MRP Run Demand Selection and Options

See the MRP Menu topic for a discussion on how MRP works.

Notes To The System Manager

MRP Processing is not possible when the BoM Lowest Level Numbers automatically adjusted control is NOT checked in the “System Preferences…”. It can only be set by running Re-organise Bill of Material file in the “Advanced”, “Re-set Data Files” suite of functions.

Extensive use of computer RAM memory is used during an MRP run, to give maximum performance. The Calendar and multi-level demand is stored in memory while forecasting is processed. You should ensure you carry out MRP Processing with plenty of RAM.

The results of MRP Processing are contained in the MRP Results data file. The first operation of processing is to clear all previous results. Cleared records are not removed from the database, only marked as inactive records. Thus the results file can grow but never decline in size. You should review the alternatives in the Options tab pane.

MRP Run Options

Each time you run MRP Processing you can set different demand and other options. These choices are recorded in the text of the History Report. These details can be printed at the end of the MRP Results report and are displayed on the History tab pane. The Parameters, shown in the Parameters tab pane are stored on file and will be offered as default for the next MRP Run.

Demand options

MRP Processing can selectively include demand from Stock Re-Order Levels, Open Sales Orders, Sales Quotations, Production Plan active and inactive items. Normally, only Stock Re-Order Level, Sales Orders and Production plan active items would be checked.

Delay Start

A option is provided to delay the start of the MRP run. If a time is entered (later than the current time) the computer will be put into a holding condition until the entered time. You must use 24 hour clock time. The status bar at the bottom of the window will show the start time and a countdown. The countdown can be cancelled by clicking on the Cancel Timed Start button. This provides for running MRP out-of-hours unattended. MRP can be run in background while using other programs, although this is not recommended unless the computer has sufficient power for both MRP and whatever other applications are running simultaneously.

The Print MRP results report when complete option will enable you to print an MRP Results report after processing is complete. The results report can be very long and it is often convenient to print it out-of-hours. The MRP Results Report Selection window will open for you to choose report options. Do not print the report at this stage, simply set the options you want and leave this window open to process the report automatically when the MRP run is complete. For further details see the MRP Results Report Selection topic.

Quit [Exit] when complete

The Exit Program when Processing Complete option is provided to terminate your program session after running MRP Processing. This is provided for security reasons. This prevents an unattended terminal, with a high security clearance, from being tampered with. It also releases the data file for backup purposes.

Ignore Bulk

The Ignore Bulk Issue parts in dependant demand option, if checked, will have MRP ignore Bulk issue components from dependant demand. If bulk issue items are extensively used in Bills of Material, checking this option will reduce the number of MRP Results records and speed the processing. Bulk Issue parts are often best handled on a Re-Order Level basis and therefore it is recommended that this option is only checked if you include Stock Re-Order Level as a demand option.

Update ABC Codes

If checked, an ABC parts analysis will be run on the results of MRP when processing is complete. This will update all Part records with an A, B, C, D or E coding. The percent break points for each code are set in the “System Manager” “Company Details…” function. A, B, C and D codes are given to all items with MRP direct or indirect demand. E code is given to all parts that have no demand identified by MRP. ABC analysis is carried out using Current This-Level Costs for each item. When the Update ABC codes for Parts to reflect MRP results checkbox is checked the ABC analysis and update will automatically take place after the MRP run. A report will be produced of the analysis. You will be prompted for the report’s destination at the start of the MRP run.

Note NOTE: You can run ABC Analysis without running MRP Processing. Un-check all Demand and other Option checkboxes and check only the Update ABC… option. ABC analysis will then be run based on the current set of MRP Results.

Ignore re-order levels

If this option is checked, for the purposes of the MRP analysis, all parts are assumed to have zero re-order level planning value. This is useful only when you want to see the ‘what-if’ consequences of the planning value. You will be effectively running your stocks down to minimum stock.

Ignore minimum stocks

If this option is checked, for the purposes of the MRP analysis, all parts are assumed to have zero minimum stock planning value. This is useful only when you want to see the ‘what-if’ consequences of the planning value. If both re-order levels and minimum stocks are ignored, you will be effectively running your stocks down to zero.

Ignore minimum order quantity

If this option is checked, for the purposes of the MRP analysis, all parts are assumed to have zero minimum order quantity planning value. This is useful only when you want to see the ‘what-if’ consequences of the planning value. You will be effectively buying and making only absolute requirements and not batching up.

Ignore lot sizes

If this option is checked, for the purposes of the MRP analysis, all parts are assumed to have zero lot sizes planning value. This is useful only when you want to see the ‘what-if’ consequences of the planning value. You will be ignoring lot size adjustments to batch sizes.

Treat Future Outwork as Work Orders

This option forces the system to treat any future outwork assembly orders as work orders. It is used to provide a what-if capacity analysis to fill in-house capacity before outsourcing is contemplated.

Do Not Consolidate into PO Kits

Normally MRP, as a post-process, will attempt to consolidate PO Kits from their components where a phantom type part has a purchase part record. Checking this option prevents that post-processing and leaves orders for the components un-consolidated into kit orders. For the full implications to MRP see the Treatment of Purchase Order Kits section in the MRP Menu topic.

Calendar extent and active days

MRP only processes demand that falls within the Make and Buy Calendar limits, which are shown on the Parameters pane. To process items of demand planned further in the future, the Calendar must be extended. The number of Active days ahead gives you an indication of the extent forecasting is possible.

Push Order thresholds

This is the number of calendar buy active days beyond which an order will be pushed by MRP processing. If, during MRP processing, an existing order delivery is found to be earlier than required, MRP will recommend that the order delivery is “Pushed” forward to the date it is needed. The threshold is provided to limit the number of push recommendations by saying that the order delivery should only be pushed if delivery is needed after the threshold number of days beyond it’s original delivery due date. Otherwise the order is left with no change recommendation. Buy threshold relates to Purchase Order recommendations, Make relates to Work Orders.

Cancel Order thresholds

This is the percent of an order quantity calculated by MRP processing to be excess to requirements before a cancel recommendation will be made. If, during MRP processing, an existing order quantity is found to be greater than required by more than the percentage entered here, MRP will recommend that some or all of the order quantity is cancelled. Regardless of this threshold, MRP will not recommend a partial cancel if the remaining order quantity would fall below the order quantity (adjusted for lot size) for the part. The threshold is provided to limit the number of partial order cancel recommendations by saying that the order cancellation should only be recommended if there is a sufficient proportion of the order in excess of requirements. Otherwise the order is left with no change recommendation. If the threshold is set to 100%, only whole orders will be cancelled. If set to 0%, all recommended reductions to order quantities will be reflected as cancel recommendations, where part order quantity and lot size is maintained. Buy threshold relates to Purchase Order recommendations, Make relates to Work Orders.

Lead Time offset (+ or -)

This is an optional number of days added to (or subtracted from) Buy or Make part lead times. In normal circumstances these values would be set to 0. However, it may be useful to set values for these offsets to, in effect, globally change lead times temporarily for the purposes of an MRP run. Lead times for parts are never calculated as less than 1 day. Very useful for what-if calculations.

MRP time-bucket size

If set to 1, MRP processing records analysis of forecast inventory movements to an accuracy of a single active buy or make calendar day. For a coarser analysis, with less detailed results, you can increase the time-bucket. Increasing the bucket size has no effect on inventory quantities. However, you must recognize that the time-bucket size effectively puts a floor on part lead times and as a result will tend to extend accumulated lead times for assemblies.

Part yield effects results

If this checkbox is checked, any non-100% yield rates or non-zero yield unit loss on parts will effect the way MRP will calculate order quantities and dependant demand. See the Part yield in lost units per batch rather than percent rate system preference for details.

MRP will use the Yield value to recommend ordering more (if less than 100% rate or more than zero units of loss) of the part than is subsequently received into inventory. For a purchased item this is straight forward. For an item with a BoM, the ordered quantity of components will be assumed to be consumed.

Warning WARNING: Care should be taken in the use of Yield rates or high loss units as they can accumulate excess quantities rapidly, especially where multiple sub-assemblies contain yield rates.


The system keeps a record of the last MRP Run, and the details are shown in the History tab pane. The start date and time and finish time and duration of processing are recorded. In addition, the demand selection criteria and other statistics are maintained. During the run the statistics of processing are shown in the Alert Message window.

If any demand item is found to be beyond the extent of the Calendar, it will be listed with an appropriate reference to a Plan item, Sales Order, Job, Purchase Order or Work Order.

On completion the predicted change in Stock Value is shown along with additional results statistics.

Tip TIP: MRP processing requires numerous recursive list manipulations and if data is corrupt or damaged the process can hang. There is therefore a limit set for the number of recursive loops that can be performed. This defaults to 100. The option optMRPLoopMax allows you to control this in debugging situations. Set to 10 or greater, otherwise the default will apply.

Warning WARNING: Due to a system limitation, the current computer date and time are those accessible in the terminal’s “Control Panel”, not the File Server’s. It is important, therefore, for correct data integrity, that all terminals in a multi-user network have their time and date synchronised.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: The oCustom1.$MrpRunStart() method provides a custom method that would enable variables to be set up in advance of MRP Processing (but not for ABC Analysis only) that can be used in a custom post-MRP-processing feature. This can be developed in OpenVision Customisation.

Customisation CUSTOM CAPABILITY: The oCustom1.$PostMrpProcessing() method provides a custom method that will be run after MRP Processing and ABC Analysis but before any Results Report has been printed. With this you can program any post-MRP processing you wish. This can be developed in OpenVision Customisation.

The window has 4 tab panes.



MRP Run Demand Selection and Options - Demand pane

Many of the selections are saved so will default the next time you open Run MRP. The two reports that can be included in the MRP Processing can be sent to any destination on the list, including Email. Some destinations require a file path. Email requires at leas a recipient email address. Reports are prepared at the start of the MRP Processing and then silently printed at on completion of processing.

Warning WARNING: Any errors occurring during printing will stop the program, so if Exit Program when Processing Complete is chosen, the Exit will be stalled.



Default Value


Demand Options


Stock Re-Order Levels (not true demand)

For MRP to ensure all parts with current physical below re-order level are covered in the analysis.

From MRP History

Sales Orders

To include as Direct Demand all confirmed SO line items that have not been dispatched.

From MRP History


To include as direct demand for MRP all items in Quotations.

From MRP History


To include as Direct Demand all confirmed Job part line items that have not been issued.

From MRP History


To include as Direct Demand all confirmed Estimate part line items that have not been issued.

From MRP History

Production Plan Active Entries

To include as direct demand for MRP all production plan items that have been marked as active.

From MRP History

Production Plan Inactive Entries

To include as direct demand for MRP all production plan items that have NOT been marked as active.

From MRP History


Run MRP Activity Options


Delay start until

Enter a time that you want MRP to start its processing. Choose a time when you know all other users will be off the system.

Not saved

Print MRP Results Report when MRP Completed

To set up in advance an MRP Results report that will be automatically printed at the end of MRP processing.

User Settings

Report destination

Set the report destination for the ABC analysis.

User Settings

To Email Address

Available when the Email destination is selected. Email address of the recipient. Use a comma between addresses for multiples.

User Settings

CC Email Address

Available when the Email destination is selected. Email address of the copy recipient. Use a comma between addresses for multiples.

User Settings

Report file path

This is the path of the print file, where appropriate. Use the Set File button to set and change it.

User Settings

Set File

If the destination you have set is a file, use this button to set the file path.


Exit Program when Processing Complete

If you want your terminal to quit the program at the end of MRP processing and any report printing.

User Settings



Revert to Last Run Options

To revert the options to those of the last MRP run.


To process an MRP run.

Cancel Timed Start

Click to cancel the timed start of the MRP run. This button is only visible during the countdown to a timed start.

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MRP Run Demand Selection and Options - Options pane



Default Value


Options for MRP Processing


Ignore Bulk Issue Parts in Dependant Demand

To ignore the dependant demand of parts marked as bulk issue.

User Settings

Update Parts ABC Class to Reflect MRP Results

Check this option if you want the system to carry out an ABC analysis on the MRP results and update part classifications.

User Settings

Print Parts ABC Analysis

Check this option to print an ABC Analysis after processing.

User Settings

Report destination

Set the report destination for the ABC analysis.

User Settings

Report file path

This is the path of the print file, where appropriate. Use the Set File button to set and change it.

User Settings

Set File

If the destination you have set is a file, use this button to set the file path.


Ignore Re-order Levels

For the purposes of MRP processing re-order levels for all parts will be assumed to be zero.

Not Saved

Ignore Minimum Stocks

For the purposes of MRP processing minimum stock quantities for all parts will be assumed to be zero.

Not Saved

Ignore Minimum Order Quantities

For the purposes of MRP processing minimum order quantities for all parts will be assumed to be zero.

Not Saved

Ignore Lot Sizes

For the purposes of MRP processing lot sizes for all parts will be assumed to be zero.

Not Saved

Treat future Outwork as Work Orders

Check this to treat any future outwork assembly orders as work orders. Used to provide what-if capacity analysis to fill in-house capacity before outsourcing.

Not Saved

Do Not Consolidate into PO Kits

Normally MRP, as a post-process, will attempt to consolidate PO Kits from their components where a phantom type part has a purchase part record. Checking this option prevents that post-processing and leaves orders for the components un-consolidated into kit orders. For the full implications to MRP see the Treatment of Purchase Order Kits section in the MRP Menu topic.

Not Saved


Delete Old Record Options


Delete File Slot (if single-user)

Deletes the entire MRPFILE slot, but only when run in single user mode.

Not Saved

Clear Old Records

The records are only marked by having the part number removed. The number of records is the result file will not reduce using this technique, but it may be faster.

Not Saved

Delete Old Records

The records individually deleted. This clears the datafile and can be done when others are attached to the datafile, but it may well be slower.

Not Saved


Other Options


Use Serialisable Transactions

If checked, the program will save result batches within serializable transactions.

As MRP Processing reads and saves MRP Results, it does a lot of disk work. It does this in batches as it deals with part after part. Under some circumstances encapsulating these batch updates or inserts into single transactions can speed the process up. Rather than 10 inserts individually, it does a block of 10 in one go. This can be faster, but not necessarily. Sometimes the overhead of a serialisable transaction outweighs the processing gain. It all depends on the data distribution. Hence this option. On some sites it won’t help, on others it may improve performance significantly. When you choose Use Serialisable Transactions you get a (ST) after the processing time on the Alert Message.

Not Saved

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MRP Run Demand Selection and Options - Parameters pane



Default Value


Parameters Used in MRP Processing


Buy Calendar extent

The extent of the Buy calendar. This will be the limit of MRP forecasting for purchased items.

From Buy Calendar

Make Calendar extent

The extent of the Make calendar. This will be the limit of MRP forecasting for manufactured items.

From Make Calendar

Active Buy Days ahead

The number of active Buy days in the forecast horizon that MRP will use.

From Buy Calendar

Active Make Days ahead

The number of active Make days in the forecast horizon that MRP will use.

From Make Calendar

Push Order threshold for Buy parts

Company and System Settings. MRP buy parts push order threshold active days. {MCDFILE.MCDPTDB integer shortint}

From MRP History

Push Order threshold for Make parts

Company and System Settings. MRP make parts push order threshold active days. {MCDFILE.MCDPTDM integer shortint}

From MRP History

Cancel Order threshold for Buy parts

Company and System Settings. MRP Buy cancel order threshold %. {MCDFILE.MCDPTCB integer shortint}

From MRP History

Cancel Order threshold for Make parts

Company and System Settings. MRP Make cancel order threshold %. {MCDFILE.MCDPTCM integer shortint}

From MRP History

Lead Time offset for Buy parts

Company and System Settings. Buy parts MRP Administration days (+ or -). {MCDFILE.MCDADBD number 0dpShortnum}

From MRP History

Lead Time offset for Make parts

Company and System Settings. Make parts MRP Administration days (+ or -). {MCDFILE.MCDADMD number 0dpShortnum}

From MRP History

MRP Results time bucket

Company and System Settings. MRP bucket size in normal calendar days. {MCDFILE.MCDBUCK integer shortint}

From MRP History

Part yield rate effects results

Company and System Settings. MRP planned usage is effected by part yield rate. {MCDFILE.MCDMRPY boolean}

From MRP History

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MRP Run Demand Selection and Options - History pane

Show details of the last MRP run.




Last MRP Processing Details

Start date

Company and System Settings. MRP last run date. {MCDFILE.MCDMRPD date date1980}

Start time

Company and System Settings. MRP last run start time. {MCDFILE.MCDMRST date time}

Finish time

Company and System Settings. MRP last run end time. {MCDFILE.MCDMRET date time}


The time taken to make the MRP run.


Company and System Settings. MRP last run criteria. {MCDFILE.MCDMRPC char 32000}

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 20 Jun 2017 03:08:00.00. Class wMrpRun last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:25.

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