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Serial Numbers: Serial Number Listing

Serial Number Listing

Serial Number Listing

This window is available from the List for Part button on the Product Serial Number Maintenance window.

You can enter a part number, use keyword search or the parts ScratchPad to choose a part number for the listing.

The Include Customer Name option is provided to improve performance where the list is likely to be very long.



Part Number

Parts Master. Part number unique identifier. {PTMFILE.PTMPTNO char 18}


Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}

Stock UoM

Parts Master. Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6}

Serial Number List

Lists of serial numbers for the part selected. Click to select. Double-click in column to drill down to document, WO, parent, etc..

Include Customer Name

If checked the customer name will be included in the list (takes more time).

Include Obsolete

If checked, obsolete records will be included.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 8 May 2012 06:21:00.00. Class wSnoList last modified 28 Apr 2018 07:58:51.

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