Stocktake Results Entry
The dropdown list in the upper left corner enables you to select from the recorded stocktake sets. Having made your choice, click on the List Freeze Set button to list the parts.
The list will be sorted in the order that was selected when the parts were frozen. When you select a part in the list its details will be shown on the right of the window. You can then enter a count quantity and/or change the parts preferred location. If it is a multi-stock part you can change a quantity in the location list itself (click and pause the mouse over the value you want to change – applies to most columns). You can also use the Add button to create a new location record.
The list’s second column indicates with a tick icon those records which have been Marked as processed, have had an Old change made in a previous session and have a Current change that will be processed.
NOTE: If the list is not sorted by part number, you can locate a part line by simply typing in the part number. You must have the cursor in the list first. As you type the system will locate the closest matching part number. Type + to find the next match or prefix with a * to find a part number containing the subsequent characters you type. This is a characteristic of all headed lists.
You can also enter a document reference and a comment for the Stock History records.
The part list uses the tick icon to indicate firstly whether the part has already been adjusted in a previous session, and secondly whether any change has been made in this current session which has not yet been processed.
When you have completed all entries for a Stocktake Freeze Set, check the Close results after processing checkbox. This will prevent any further adjustments in this set.
WARNING: A closed Freeze Set cannot be re-opened, so be sure all counts have been properly entered before setting this option.
When satisfied with all your changes, click on the Process Results button. The change in quantity will be applied to the current part physical quantity and a history record created and the Freeze Set will be updated to reflect this.
You can then optionally print a results report which gives a detailed list of stock quantity variance and current and standard cost value of the variance.
TIP: You can add a warning to users of excessive adjustment using the option optStockCtrlVarWarn. Set to a non-zero % of physical for which a stock control activity and stocktake result triggers a user warning. If physical is 1 or less any quantity will trigger the warning.
Field |
Description |
Stocktake name |
Select from this list the stocktake you wish to enter results for. |
Frozen date and time |
Stocktake Header Details. Stocktake freeze date and time. {STUFILE.STUDATE date datetime} |
User who did the freeze |
Stocktake Header Details. Stocktake freeze user. {STUFILE.STUINIT char 3} |
Last result entry date and time |
Stocktake Header Details. Stocktake results last change date and time. {STUFILE.STULAST date datetime} |
Results entry closed |
Stocktake Header Details. Stocktake results entry closed. {STUFILE.STUCLOS boolean} |
Frozen Parts List |
Lists of all parts that have been previously frozen for the selected stocktake. The order they are displayed reflects the order that was used to make the stocktake freeze. |
Selected part number |
Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Part number. {STTFILE.STTPTNO char 18} |
Description |
Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30} |
Stock unit of measure |
Parts Master. Standard stock unit of measure. {PTMFILE.PTMSTUM char 6} |
Multi-location |
Parts Master. Multi stock location indicator. {PTMFILE.PTMMLOC boolean} |
Batch tracked |
Parts Master. Tracked (this part traced with batch tracking). {PTMFILE.PTMTRAC boolean} |
Frozen physical quantity |
Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Frozen physical quantity. {STTFILE.STTPHYQ number 3dp} Double-click to show stock movement listing. |
Count result |
The value of the measured stock when the physical stocktake was undertaken. You cannot change data here when the part is multi-location and not a float stock location. Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Results physical quantity for part. {STTFILE.STTRPHY number 3dp} |
Float quantity |
The quantity difference between the count and the sum of ALL non-quarantined locations (not just those shown below). Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Results float quantity (needed as not all locations for the part may be listed). {STTFILE.STTRFLO number 3dp} |
Preferred location |
Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Frozen preferred location for part. {STTFILE.STTSLOC char 8} |
Count location |
Stocktake Freeze Quantities. Results preferred location for part. {STTFILE.STTRSLO char 8} |
Locations list |
List of resulting multiple locations. You can change anything other than batch and quarantine flag. Select a line and click on the data you want to change. TIP: To edit cells in the list, select the line and click in the cell and hover the mouse over the cell. I.E. click once and pause with no mouse movement. The cell will then expand into an editable box in which you can enter different data. On leaving the box with any action like a tab or click elsewhere, the data is verified and the list returns to normal with the new data shown in the cell. WARNING: When a part is multi-location and there are both location quantities and float stock, increasing a location quantity will decrease float stock without increasing count result until the float stock is zero. To maintain float stock it is necessary to increase the count result as well. |
Document reference |
Stock Movement History. Reference for the stock transaction. {STHFILE.STHREF char 15} |
Comment |
Stock Movement History. Comments on movement. {STHFILE.STHCOMM char 30} |
Close results after processing |
Stocktake Header Details. Stocktake results entry closed. {STUFILE.STUCLOS boolean} |
Button |
Action |
List Freeze Set |
Click to build a list of all parts recorded in the selected stocktake. |
View Details |
Click to view the details of the selected stocktake. |
Add |
Click to add a new multi-location to the result list. |
Mark Selected as Processed |
Click to set selected parts as having been processed. This is useful if you are processing only a portion of the stocktake in a session. This action simply sets a flag on the record which is visible on the list as the first tick icon. Changing a stocktake value will not alter this flag. |
Process Results |
To confirm the data you have entered and is held in the list. |
See also: – |
Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class wSttEntry last modified 2 Oct 2017 04:25:37.