- Choose a day and time when all users can be off Caliach Vision and crucially the database. You need to be familiar with the local user CaliachVisionV5.10 folder AND the Server Folder (path of which is identified in the User Terminal/Terminal.inf file optServerFolder setting).
- Backup the database.
- Download and install CaliachVision-5.10 Installer.
- Do not launch the new installation.
You should see something looking like this, with Apple macOS something similar (click image to enlarge). In this illustration the new C:\CaliachVision-5.10 is on the left window and the Server Folder is shown in the right window.

- Copy
the OLD CaliachVision-5.04/Terminal/Terminal.inf file to the NEW
CaliachVision-V5.10/Terminal folder, overwriting the existing. Now the new
Vision will know where the Server Folder is.
Special Note for Mac OS client machines: V5.1 runs under Omnis V8.1 which only uses the POSIX file system (UNIX) on Mac OS. As a result, all text file/folder paths must be in that form, such as optServerFolder= in the Terminal.inf file. So if the V5.04 entry was, for example, Windows2016:Shared:caliachserverfolder then you need to manually change this to the full POSIX path /Volumes/Windows2016/shared/caliachserverfolder. As always on Mac OS any networked server must be “mounted” on the client before Vision is launched to avoid errors in connection.
If you get stuck on this, install the V5.10 Demo temporarily and use it to File — Preferences — Terminal Settings, click in optServerFolder and then click the icon button to navigate to the desired folder and generate the correct POSIX path text. This can then be used in the V5.10 Terminal.inf file for the client.

- Copy the contents of the following folders from the NEW CaliachVision-V5.10 to the identically named folders in the Server Folder:
- Custom
- Data
- Help
- Internet
- ToMoveElsewhere
- Upgrading
There may be others, depending on your site policy. This is shown with the purple arrows above. You can delete these folders from CaliachVision-V5.10 now, after the copy is successful.
- Delete the ProgSyst.db file from the Server Folder, but leave ProgUser.db in place. This will ready you for installing your customisation into V5.10 automatically.
First Run and Database Upgrade
You are now ready to run V5.1000 for the first time and in doing so upgrade your database. The following will happen when you launch Caliach Vision (assuming you have followed the above correctly):
- On Windows, depending on the operating system, updates in the past and other programs installed, Omnis may not run giving a message that VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing. Due to Microsoft restrictive licensing we cannot include the required software in our distribution. You will need to download the installer from Microsoft and run it on machines that exhibit this problem. Here is the link to the appropriate download page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52685. This may apply to any user computer, so you need to check each machine when you get to step 15 below.
- The first process before the logon window will be the automatic loading of your customisation. (If this doesn’t happen, exit and check the Terminal.inf file points to the Server Folder and that the ProgUser.db file is in the Server Folder.) This process takes a few seconds, depending on the scale of customisation.
- Log on in the normal way. If you have several databases, you will need to do a logon to all of them in turn.
- There will be some database structure synchronisation activities, which will take a minute or so with notifications being displayed on the logon window status bar.
- The program will then upgrade the data. This can take a up to an hour on large sites and will frequently (or mostly) indicate that Caliach Vision is not responding. Ignore the ‘not responding’ indication. It simply means that Caliach Vision is waiting for the database server to finish its work. Be patient!
- You will then be told that the database has been upgraded to V5.1000, and then it will proceed as normal.
- You should then perform a File — Advanced — Upgrade Via the Internet, to bring in the latest updates and make sure you check the last user customisation checkbox. All existing sites have had their customisation upgraded to V5.1000 standards as part of our Full Site Support (for which there will be a small charge). Changes effected only custom windows relating to Screen/Printer buttons, list column justifications and some large object resizing.
- If this all goes well, you will now need to distribute the user installation folder, CaliachVision-V5.10, to all your user computers, replacing their old ones, with appropriate changes to the user’s Desktop and/or Taskbar shortcuts (or macOS desktop alias).
For full details of feature enhancements see Feature Enhancements up to V5.1000 and F0631.
Your should view What is New in V5.10 to identify menus that have been added so as to amend the Privileges users and groups have for them.
Finally, if you have a PLAY database, you should refresh it using File — Advanced — Create New Database and Copy Data, otherwise the first mug that logs into it will have to wait for the database upgrade to complete.