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General Program Functions: Workflow Alert Checks Selection


This window enables you to manually run any of your Workflow Alert Checks. To use this window you must first have set up some checks in the Workflow Alert Checks Maintenance window.

File Path

File > Run a Workflow Alert Check

This file path takes you to the Workflow Alert Checks Selection window.

Operational Checks list

Lists the your operational checks. Select one to List or Print.

List Selected button

Click to review the operational check with current data. The Workflow Alert Check Result window will open to display the results of the check.

Click to run the operational check with current data and send it directly to a report.

See also:Workflow Alert Checks Maintenance Workflow Alert Check Result  

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 13 February 2024.

Class wAlertReportSelect (Workflow Alert Checks Selection) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: File > Run a Workflow Alert Check  

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