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Parts: Country Group Commodity Codes     


This window opens from the Country button on the Part Maintenance window, Engineering tab pane

File Path

Master > Parts > View > Engineering tab > Country Group button

This file path takes you to the Country Commodity Codes button.

Country Group Listing

Lists all country groups for which there have been special commodity codes set for one or more part. Part commodity codes are shown for the selected part on the ScratchPad. Use the context menu to add a country.

 Country Group

Country group code (not country code).

 Commodity Code

Commodity code applicable to the country.

See Also:Country Maintenance Part Maintenance  

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 6 November 2023

Class wCcdMaint (Counry Group Commodity Codes) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: Master > Parts > View > Engineering tab > Country Group button

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