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Manager Controls: Email Default Messages for Reports        


The program Email system enables you to print any document or report to the Email destination. This sends the document as an attached HTML document to an email recipient. The operation of this is discussed in the Email Sending Details window.

This window provides you with the ability to set default message data for documents and reports sent by email. You can set these defaults up at two levels, determined by the Key Value:

  • They can be generic, for a particular report type, for example SO for Sales Orders of any report design, or rPtmInventory for the standard Parts Inventory report class.
  • They can be for documents specifically printed for a particular customer, supplier, or marketing business. This is done by appending the customer or supplier code or marketing record id number to the report type (as above) separated by a comma.

Key Values

Normally these should be simply the report class name (e.g. wPtmValue for the Inventory Valuation Report). However, for document type reports generic codes are used, as follows:

To specific customers use the following codes followed by a comma and the customer code (e.g. SO,ALW001). For customers not entered specifically simply use the key.

  • CBD = Cash-Before-Delivery Invoice document
  • CN = Credit Note document
  • CusState = Customer Statements document/Statement/Account Review/Summary
  • Disp = Dispatch Note document
  • Inv = Invoice document
  • Quote = Sales Quotation document
  • SO = Sales Order document

To specific suppliers use the following codes followed by a comma and the supplier code (e.g. PO,DEVON). For suppliers not entered specifically simply use the key.

  • GRN = Goods Received Note document
  • PO = Purchase Order document
  • RFQ = Request for Quotation document
  • RN = Return Note document

To specific Marketing Companies use the following codes followed by a comma and the company ID number (e.g. Letter,6). For companies not entered specifically simply use the key.

  • Letter = Marketing letter

Additionally, there is a key syntax which allows the message to apply to customers/suppliers depending on their index code(s). The following are Key alternatives in the order of their significance for documents:

  1. Report Type code and master record key, e.g. Quote,ALW001 or PO,ABC100
  2. Report Type code and both master index 1 and 2, e.g. Quote~IDX1~IDX2
  3. Report Type code and master index 1 only, e.g. Quote~IDX1
  4. Report Type code and master index 2 only, e.g. Quote~~IDX2
  5. Report Type Code only e.g. Quote

You can therefore set up a hierarchy of message texts that apply to different groups of customers/suppliers.


Inside the heading and message texts you can use parameters which substitute for system or customer/supplier/marketing contact values. These include:


  • #D = Current date {e.g. 5 NOV 2001}
  • #T = Current time {e.g. 10:51}
  • #DT = Current time {e.g. 5 NOV 2001 10:51}

Customers/Suppliers/Marketing Contact:

  • #Business = Name of the business
  • #Contact = Contact in the business or additional address
  • #Dear = Dear name from the customer/supplier record

In addition, you can place interpreted data into the Subject or Message text. This is achieved by using square bracket notation. Anything inside square brackets is evaluated as a calculation before the text is used. Such calculations can contain data globally available at the time. This varies with the report being printed and it is left to the user to experiment. For example, when printing a Sales Order, the header file SOHFILE will be available so you could use [SOHSONO]. But no guarantees here! You can get what you can, and that is it!

File Path

File > System Manager > Email Message Texts…

This file path takes you to the Email Default Messages for Reports window.

Default Messages list

List of keys which will be used to identify the report for which the messages apply.


Email form key (special user report type | report class name [,key field value].

Message Priority

Email priority (5 is high, 1 is low, 3 is normal).


Email subject text (with optional parameters as #Business, #Contact, etc).


Carbon copy (cc) address list separated by commas.


Blind carbon copy (bcc) address list separated by commas.


Email body, excluding signature (with optional parameters as #Business, #Contact, etc).

Language Swap icon

Click to open the Language Swap Maintenance by Record or File window, as applicable, to translate available text into swap languages.

Help button

To provide notes on special key configurations and optional parameters.

Add button

This will create a new (normally blank) record in the file. You will then be able to enter details for the record. Then confirm with an OK, or abandon the New record with a Cancel.

Delete button

Execute this button to permanently remove the currently selected record from the file. If you are permitted to delete the item, you will be asked for confirmation, otherwise an explanation will be given.

Will cause a report to be printed of the subject matter. Right-click to select report destination.

Revert button

Reverts the data to the last saved version.

Save button

Saves the new data entered.

See Also:Email Sending Details
Email Address List Maintenance
Settings Maintenance Subwindow

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 2/ November 2023

Class wemailtexts (Email Default Messages for Reports) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: File > System Manager > Email Message Texts

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