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Markup/Margin Calculator                                        


The Markup/Margin calculator allows you to see and amend the costing and margin of the selected part.

File Path

Scratch pad > Markup/Margin Calculator

Markup/Margin Calculator

This window can also be reached by clicking on the abacus icon on the selling tab in the Parts Maintenance window.

Part Number

Part number unique identifier.

Up and Down Arrows

Using these arrows, you can find the preceding and next value part numbers. By repeatedly clicking you can cycle through the part numbers on file. After the files first record has been found, there will be an audible sound then the last record on file will be found.

Click to view any linked external files. Hold the shift key down and click to create a new file link for the record.

Clear part button

This will clear the part number and all associated information from the Markup/Margin Calculator.

Scratchpad icon

This will open the parts scratchpad with the current part selected.


Parts description.

Cost type

Choose to see the current cost or standard cost of the selected part.

Part Maintenance button

Click to open the Parts Maintenance window with the selected part pre-loaded.


Current material cost.


Current labour cost.


Current outwork cost.

Overhead (receiving)

Current overhead (receiving) cost.

Overhead (Labour)

Current overhead (burden) cost.


The current total cost for the part made up of the sum of the constituent current costs.

Cancel button

Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is ESC for windows and command-. (full stop or period) for Mac.

OK button

This button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

Calculator type

Choose between Markup (the calculator will display markup %) or Margin (the calculator will display Gross Margin %).

Part cost

The part cost in local currency.

Margin %

The part margin %.

Selling price

The price part in local currency.


Part profit in local currency.

Up and down arrows

These arrows allow you to change the figures in the field next to them.

Currency Selector

Select to see the price and profit in a different currency.

Reset to Default button

Resets the product cost, margin/markup, price and profit to the default. If a part is selected then it will be that parts default, as set in the parts master. If a part is not selected all fields will reset to 0.

Show Sales Multiplier button

Selecting this button will allow access to the following four fields.

Sales Multiplier

Sales order unit of measure multiplier.

Price in sales UoM

The part sales Unit of Measure price in local currency.

Sales UoM

Sales Unit of Measure.

Profit in Sales UoM

The part sales Unit of Measure profit in local currency.

Update Part Selling Price button

This will allow you to change the selected part selling price to the price on the calculator.

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 25 July 2023.

Class w (wMarCalc) last modified 25 July 2023 FP: Scratchpad > Markup/Margin Calculator

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