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Manager Controls: Period File Update    


This process should be carried out routinely and regularly, normally once a month but at least once a year. History files can grow rapidly with normal daily activity. System performance will marginally reduce as the history file sizes grow. This procedure cleans out old historic data prior to the dates set in the System Preferences.

Rolling-over parts usage, customer dispatched sales value and suppliers receipts value period totals can be selected, and should be on a routine basis.

TIP: Rolling over period usage can be processed automatically at the same time as periodic Accounts Receivable Month Ends. This feature is only available if you have the Ledgers option licensed and is set in the Ledgers Manager — Manager Controls.

To process from the window, set the checkbox of each function required. When satisfied with your selection click on the Update Files button to process. Sales and Purchase history records are only deleted if the Orders are complete. Invoice history records are only deleted if marked paid.

WARNING: Processing can only take place while other users are off the system. While processing, no other user can enter the system.

Deleted records can be archived in a file format which can be later viewed in a spreadsheet program. Each type is sent to a file in the Archive directory with the names of “SA051201.DAT”, “PU051201.DAT”, “WO051201.DAT”, “ST051201.DAT” and “IN051201.DAT” respectively (where 051201 is the date in year, month, day order). This feature can be de-selected via a checkbox, and the archive file format selected using the radio buttons.

File Path

File > System Manager > Period Routines…

This file path takes you to the Period File Update window

Delete and Archive Records field

Sales History (If prior to <date>, SO completed and [nn] records per part remain)

To delete all old sales history beyond the restrictions shown.

 WARNING: Sales History should be archived at the same time as Invoice History. As well as conforming to the restrictions stated, records will not be archived if there is a Invoice History record associated with the sales dispatch, based on dispatch note number.

Purchase History (If prior to <date>, PO completed and [nn] records per part remain)

To delete all old purchase history

Work History (If prior to <date>, PO completed and [nnn] records per part remain)

To delete all old works history beyond the restrictions shown.

Inventory (Stock) History (If prior to <date>)

To delete all old inventory movement history beyond the restrictions shown.

Invoice History (If prior to <date> and marked paid)

To delete all old Invoice/Dispatch Note history records that have been marked as fully cleared Invoices. The <date> is the same date as used for Sales History.

 Production Planned items (If prior to <today’s date>)

To delete all production plan items that are dated prior to today.

 Archive those deleted tick box

If checked, deleted record data will be exported to an archive file.

Roll-over field

Parts usage totals

To roll-over parts usage quantities form one store to another.

Customer dispatched sales value totals

To roll-over all customers dispatch sales values from one store to another.

Supplier receipts value totals

To roll-over all supplier receipts values from one store to another.

Generate Period Values from History button

To generate period usage and turnover values on Parts, Suppliers and Customers from selected date ranges. This opens the Period Values From History window.

Archive File Format field

Tab delimited

Standard text file with each record on a line and fields delimited by tabs.

Comma delimited

Standard text file with each record on a line and fields delimited by a comma.

Delimited by

Standard text file with each record on a line and fields delimited by a comma.

User Character

A single character that will be used to delimit fields in a one line per record text file.

One line per field

A single line per field in a text file.

Omnis data transfer

Special non-text file format that enables import and export of non text data types.

To obtain a Activity Log Report which lists the history of all major manager processes. This opens the Period Log Report window.

 Update Files button

To initiate the update files procedure, having checked the desired actions you want to perform.

See also:Period Values From History
Period Log Report

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 18 December 2023

Class wperiod (Period File Update) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: File > System Manager > Period Routines…

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