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Manager Controls: Period Log Report                      


This window opens when you select the Print Activity Log button on the Period File Update window.

It enables you to restrict the report to a general type of activity (E.g. L for Ledgers) or a specific activity (E.g. LSUP for A/P Month-End). You can also choose a sort for the report.

File Path

File > System Manager > Period Routines… > Print Activity Log button

This file path takes you to the period Log Report window.


Enter the leading Log Type code character(s) for a sub-set of log records. Leave blank for all records on file.

From Date

Enter starting date if you wish to apply a restriction.

Sort by Date Time

To sort the log records in chronological order regardless of type.

Sort by Activity

To sort the log records by Type and then date order.

Cancel button

Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.

Will cause a report to be printed of the subject matter. Right-click to change the report destination.

Logged Events

A history file of major system activities is maintained automatically. This history is automatically deleted after 18 months during an Update Files operation.

Each history record contains the date and time of completion of the operation, an operation code that defines what was done, the user’s Transaction ID, a quantity and some comments that always define the quantity recorded.

The following operations are recorded:

CodeOperationWhen automatically recorded
DINVDelete InvoicesAfter you process a Update Files in File — System Manager — Period Routines, and include the option to delete Invoices. If you cancel during processing, you will also have log history recorded.
DPRDDelete Prod. PlanAs above, but for Production Plan Items.
DPUHDelete Purch HistoryAs above, but for Purchase History.
DSAHDelete stock HistoryAs above, but for sales History.
DSTHDelete stock HistoryAs above, but for Inventory History.
DWOHDelete Work HistoryAs above, but for Works History.
LLCKLedgers LockedWhen locking the ledgers within Ledgers — Ledger Manager — Non-balancing Transactions.
LULKLedgers Un-lockedIf you enter the Ledgers — Ledger Manager — Non-balancing Transactions function, and in doing so un-lock the ledgers.
MCUSA/R Month-endAfter Ledgers — Ledger Manager — Month Period-End for the Accounts Receivable ledger.
MGLAG/L Month EndAfter Ledgers — Ledger Manager — Month Period-End for the General ledger.
MNOMG/L Month EndAfter Ledgers – Ledger Manager – Month Period-End for the General ledger under CaliachMRP only.
MSUPA/P Month-endAfter Ledgers — Ledger Manager — Month Period-End for the Accounts Payable ledger.
NXXXRe-unite XXXFILEAfter you have File Advanced — Re-Unite Missing Relatives for the XXXFILE file and there have been errors found and reported. No record is logged if the file checks out Ok.
OCUSRoll-over Cust.SalesWhen Customer Sales Turnover is processed either in Period Update File in File — System Manager — Period Routines with the appropriate item checked or when automatically done in A/R Ledger month period-end.
OPOTMRoll-over Part UsageAs above, but for Parts Usage.
OSUPRoll-over Supl.PurchAs above, but for Supplier Purchase Turnover.
RBOMReset Part LLNoAlways after you have File — Advanced — Reset Data Files and Re-organise Bills of Material function is processed.
RCUSReset Customer QtysAfter you have File — Advanced –Reset Data Files and Re-set Customer Current Values for all customers function has been run, however, not just for a selected customer.
RGLAReset G/L ValuesAlways after you have File — Advanced — Reset Data Files and processed Re-set General Ledger Balances.
RNOMReset G/L valuesAlways after you have File — Advanced — Reset Data Files and processed Re-set General Ledger Balances under CaliachMRP only.
RPTMReset part QtysAfter you have File – Advanced – Reset Data Files and process Re-set Part Process Quantities for all parts, however, not just for a selected part.
RSUPReset Supplier QtysAfter you have File — Advanced — Reset Data Files and processed Re-set Supplier Current Values for all suppliers, however, not just for a selected supplier.
TESTSystem Timing TestEach time you Print the results of a File — System Manager — Timing Test.
VMCDVersion ChangeEach time you upgrade your copy of Caliach Vision to a new version of the program
XXXXSpecial FunctionSystem recorded special functions.
YGLAG/L Year-EndLedgers Year-End procedure.
YNOMG/L Year-endLedgers Year-End procedure under CaliachMRP only.
See also:Period File Update

Compiled in Program Version 6.00.  Help date last modified on 19 December 2023.

Class wperselect (Period Log Report) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: File > System Manager > Period Routines… > Print activity log button

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