This window enables you to select the options you want for order line-item date changes. You can change Dispatch, Originally Required and Latest Expected dates using independently mechanisms, but the Dispatch Date must always be set to change. An icon in the upper right for each date will indicate which dates will change.
You can make these changes for an entire order, for a specific part in all orders or for all items on order with a specific customer or supplier using the radio buttons. Having made a choice you must select the target SO, PO, Part, Customer or Supplier by clicking on the Select button. An appropriate selection dialogue will be presented. The result will be shown below the selection radio buttons.
You can move the line item dates by a number of days or to a specific date. If the Use Make (or Buy) calendar is checked, it will extend the delivery date by a number of working days rather than ordinary calendar days. Any date you enter will also be forced to be an active Make or Buy day.
The results on any changes can be printed if the Print results report checkbox is checked.
File Path
Process > Sales Orders > Move Dispatch dates OR Process > Purchase Orders > Move Delivery Dates
This file path takes you to the Change Order item Dates window.
Move Selection
All items on a selected Order
If you want to change all line items on a particular Order. Clicking the Select button with this option chosen will open the Change Order Item Dates window.
All items for a selected Part
If you wish to move the line-item delivery dates for a specific Part on all orders. Clicking the Select button with this option chosen will open the Part Selection window.
All items for a selected Supplier
If you wish to move delivery dates on all outstanding orders for a particular Customer or Supplier. Clicking on the Select button with this option chosen will open the Supplier Selection window.
Select button
To select an Order, Part or Customer or Supplier.
Selection Description
Indicates the Order, Part or Customer or Supplier that is selected for the move.
Move Options
Move by Days
To move dispatch or delivery dates by a set number of days forward.
Number box
Enter the number of days you wish to move dispatch or delivery dates forward by.
Use Buy Calendar
If the advance in days should only be for the Buy calendar days.
Selected icon
Indicates whether this date will be changed.
Move to date
To move dispatch or delivery dates to a specified date.
Date field
Enter the date you wish to move the line item dispatch or delivery to.
Originally Required Move Options
This field has the same options as the Move options.
Latest Expected Move Options
This field has the same options as the Move options.
Print Results Report tick box
If you wish to print a report of all changes made.
Cancel button
Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.
Move Dates button
This button updates the data you have entered or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.
Compiled in Program Version 6.00. Help date last modified on 20 February 2024
Class wsalesmove (Change Order Item Dates) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: Process > Sales Orders > Move Dispatch dates OR Process > Purchase Orders > Move Delivery Dates