The Sales Orders menu provides functions for review and maintenance of Quotations and Sales Orders to customers. See Introduction to Sales Orders below.
File Path
Process > Sales Order
This file path takes you to the Sales Order menu.

Select Order or Quote
To select an existing quotation or Sales Order and show the header information. This function opens the Sales Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a SO or Quotation with the Select Sales Order dialog.
New Order or Quote
To create a new Quotation or Sales Order. You will be required to select a customer and the new Sales Order will be automatically given the next serial number. This function opens the Sales Order Maintenance window. You are prompted for a Customer with the Customer Selection dialog.
TIP: You can apply the optSOShowCusComment user option. This provides a pop-up window that will display the selected customer’s comments text. If set to 1, all customer comments are displayed. If set to START,END the program will search for a text contained within the START and END markers (which can be any alphanumeric strings. If only ,END is specified, all text up to the END marker is displayed, if only START is specified, all test from the START marker is displayed. Being a user-level option, multiple aide-memoires can be provided for different users or groups.
Change Order or Quote
To amend a Quotation or Sales Order details. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window.
Duplicate Order or Quote
To duplicate an order or quotation. An order can be duplicated from history. To amend a Quotation or Sales Order details. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window and offers you a number of options with the Sales Order Duplication window.
Convert Quote into Order
To convert a Quotation into a Sales Order. This process is NOT reversible. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window.
Create CBD Invoice
To create a Cash-Before-Delivery Invoice for a particular Sales Order. Creating such an Invoice prevents dispatch of the goods through the system until the customer has cleared credit against the Invoice prepared. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window.
Create Supply Orders from Orders
To create one-for-one Purchase or Work Orders directly from a Sales Order line items of purchased or manufactured parts. This is only appropriate in Buy/Make-To-Order situations. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window and will open the MRP Purchase Order Recommendations and/or MRP Work Order Recommendations window and gives them the title of Create Purchase/Work Orders from Sales Order.
NOTE: For Make Parts, parts are populated from the Sales Order selected when they are of type M, or A when the part has a BoM. The WO Reference is constructed as SO-123456-999-CUS999 where 123456 is the SO number, 999 is the SO line number and CUS999 is the customer code. This code is checked against current work orders and the SO line item is ignored if the code already exists. Any other parts that are not type N (non-stock) are checked similarly for a Purchase Order Reference of SO-123456-999 (no customer code).
NOTE: Kit items are blown through to their components and each of these is tested for applicability as PO’s or WO’s and included if appropriate.
NOTE: The system options optPOFromSOInheritMrp and optWOFromSOInheritMrp, if set to 1, will cause the SO line item Ignore for MRP flag to be copied to the resulting P/WO. This option helps users that typically use the Ignore for MRP flag to treat some products as outside normal MRP scheduling. With the options set both the demand and supply (but not dependant demand) will be invisible to MRP scheduling.
Move Dispatch Dates
To mass-change delivery dates on a variety of Sales Order items. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window and will open the Change Order Item Dates window.
Delete Order or Quote
To delete all outstanding undelivered items of a Sales Order or to delete entirely a Quotation. This function operates on the Sales Order Maintenance window.
TIP: You can also mass-delete documents from the listing window. From the document selection dialog, click on the Show Listing button with an appropriate selection, then select the documents you want to delete in the list and right-click on the list to Delete Selected Documents. This function can save a great deal of time when cleaning house.
Configure Quote or Sales Order
To create a Quotation, Sales Order, Estimate or Job using the Configurator. This function opens the Sales Document Configurator window.
Review Sales Order or Quote
Opens the SO details window and selection dialog. Provides full details review. This function opens the Sales Order or Quotation Details window.
Review Preparation History
To review the inventory history relating to a specific Sales Order. This function opens the Order Preparation Listing window.
Review Parts Sales Data
To review sales data for parts. Sales pricing information is specific to a customer’s discount rates. This function opens the Parts Sales Information window.
Review Parts Available to Sell
To review a specific part’s forecast inventory profile. The list will provide available-to-promise figures. This function opens the Part Available-to-Sell Listing window.
Review Stock Availability for Demand
Enables you to analyse additional demand or existing orders for stock availability multi-level and identify any shortages. This function opens the Stock Availability Analysis for Demand window.
If operated on the context menu (right-click) on the Sales Order Maintenance window, the load list will be pre-loaded with the SO; either a new un-saved SO or Quotation or one that has been saved.
Print Order or Quote
To print a Quotation or Sales Order Acknowledgement. The system records the successful printing on the SO header. You are prompted for a SO or Quotation with the Select Sales Order dialog.
CUSTOM CAPABILITY: For a method of printing multiple documents without page breaks between them see Print Picking Lists on the Process — Dispatch menu.
Print Reports
To obtain reports of currently undelivered Sales Order items. This function opens the Sales Order and Quotation Reports window with the Sales Order Item Selection subwindow..
Introduction to Sales Orders
Sales to customers are processed in the following order: A Quotation is prepared and printed and can later be confirmed as a Sales Order. Alternatively, a Sales Order is entered directly. A Sales Order Acknowledgement can be printed. A Sales Order can contain any number of both part-numbered and non-part-numbered items. The status of stock and Sales Order Items can be reviewed in different ways. A Picking List can be prepared for dispatch packing. The complete or part dispatch is confirmed with the printing of a dispatch note. On dispatch a Sales Invoice and Sales History records are produced. The Invoice can then be printed and customer payments logged. This cycle is provided to give control of all stages of the Sales process: Quotation, Order, Dispatch, Invoicing and Payment.
The system uses the following files of data:
File | Reason |
Customers | A Quotation or Sales Order is specific to a Customer whose details are integrated into the SO document. The Customer record contains a value of current On-order value which is automatically maintained. See Customers topic for more details. |
Countries | A Customer is always associated with a country. The Country can determine the treatment of Sales Tax and the recording of Trade Statistics. See Countries topic for more details. |
Currencies | Sales Orders can be in any foreign currency defined in the Currency file. The exchange rate of the foreign currency is applied to the order at the time of its creation. See Currencies topic for more details. |
Parts | SO line items for parts are related to the Parts Master record for the ordered part. The Due to open SOs field in the parts record is automatically adjusted to reflect the quantity of the part due to Sales Orders and yet not dispatched. See Parts topic for more details. |
Product Serial No. | SO line items may be associated with Product Serial Number records in advance of the dispatch and also after the dispatch by association with Sales History records. See Product Serial Numbering topic for more details. |
Sales Order headers | One SO Header record must exist for each Quotation or Order. Each record contains information about the order as a whole. |
Sales Order Line Items | The details of each ordered item is recorded in this file. SOs can contain part line items and non-part items. |
Invoices | When a dispatch takes place, an Invoice is created. The Invoice file stores the header details associated with the invoice. Sales History forms the line items of the invoice. See Accounts Receivable topic for more details. |
Sales History | At the time a SO item is dispatched it is recorded as a history record. When a SO line item is completed, it will be removed from the Line-Item file. When all Line Items have been received the SO Header is removed from the file. Returns can be made from customers, and if required the order can be re-created to maintain the returned items on backorder. Sales History is used as the line items for Invoices and can be used to prepare trade statistics. |
Sales Order Processing
SALES TO A CUSTOMER with Cash-Before-Delivery
Activity | Details |
Customer makes inquiry | Optionally you can prepare a Quotation of sale for the customer. A Quotation receives a SO number and is in effect a SO without stock allocated to it. Quotations can be used as demand for MRP forecasting. |
Customer confirms an order for goods | Once a customer has confirmed the purchase of goods from you, a Sales Order must be prepared. If a Quotation was previously prepared, all that is needed is to convert it to a SO. You can then send the customer a SO Acknowledgement. |
Issue a CBD Invoice from SO | A Cash-Before-Delivery Invoice is always for the entirety of a Sales Order. Dispatch can not be confirmed unless the Customer Account has sufficient unallocated credit to cover the value of items to be dispatched. |
Make the goods if not in stock | If items on the SO are not available from stock, MRP will plan for their manufacture on time. A review of dispatch potential will identify those items in stock that are free to be shipped. A Picking List can be used to collect the items from the stores. |
Customer pays cash to cover dispatch | The payment must be sufficient to cover the taxed value of goods to be dispatched. Balance items will revert to a standard Sales Order. |
Draw goods from stock and ship to customer | When you are sure the items have been collected ready for shipping, confirm the dispatch. This process can print a Dispatch Note and will automatically generate an Invoice and, if you have Ledgers, post all account transactions. |
Send customer full tax Invoice | If you have Ledgers, there are provisions to amend and add to Invoices. If you do not have ledgers you can keep track of Invoice payments but not in a ledger account form. The Invoice number is the same as the Dispatch Note and CBD Invoice. |
Customer returns some goods | Goods returned from customers automatically generates a Credit Note which is treated as an Invoice with a negative value. With the Ledger option, you can create Credit Notes for reasons other than returned goods. |
SALES TO A CUSTOMER with account credit
Activity | Details |
Customer makes inquiry | Optionally you can prepare a Quotation of sale for the customer. A Quotation receives a SO number and is in effect a SO without stock allocated to it. Quotations can be used as demand in MRP forecasting. |
Customer confirms an order for goods | Once a customer has confirmed the purchase of goods from you, a Sales Order must be prepared. If a Quotation was previously prepared, all that is needed is to convert it to a SO. You can then send the customer a SO Acknowledgement. |
Make the goods if not in stock | If items on the SO are not available from stock, MRP will plan for their manufacture on time. A review of dispatch potential will identify those items in stock that are free to be shipped. A Picking List can be used to collect the items from the stores. |
Draw goods from stock and ship to customer | When you are sure the items have been collected ready for shipping, confirm the dispatch. This process can print a Dispatch Note and will automatically generate an Invoice and, if you have Ledgers, post all account transactions. |
Send customer Invoice | If you have Ledgers, there are provisions to amend and add to Invoices. If you do not have ledgers you can keep track of Invoice payments but not in a ledger account form. The Invoice number is the same as the Dispatch Note. |
Customer returns some goods | Goods returned from customers automatically generates a Credit Note which is treated as an Invoice with a negative value. With the Ledger option, you can create Credit Notes for reasons other than returned goods. |
Follow-up for payment if overdue | With the Ledgers option, you can track customer account status in the A/R section. You may routinely prepare statements or send them to customers when their payment is overdue. Without Ledgers you may track Invoices individually. |
Customer pays up on account | When payment is received, you must post the receipt which will automatically mark the invoices as paid. If you have the Ledgers option, this can be one process, otherwise each invoice must be treated individually. |
See also: | Sales Order Maintenance |
Compiled in Program Version 6.00. Help date last modified on 21 December 2023.
Class msalesorders (Sales Orders Menu) last modified 25 May 2022 FP: Process > Sales Orders