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Manager Controls: Sales Document Configuration Menu

Sales Document Configuration Menu

Sales Document Configuration Maintenance context-sensitive Menu

This menu is a context-sensitive menu for Sales Document Configuration Maintenance. This menu function with a right-click on the Sales Document Configuration Maintenance window.




Test Configuration

To view the selected document configuration in its wizard.


Print Configuration Design

To produce a report of the selected document configuration design.


Print All Configuration Designs

To produce a report of all document configuration designs.


Export Configuration Design

To produce a text file of the currently selected document configuration which can then be imported into another datafile.


Export All Configuration Designs

To produce a text file of all the document configurations which can then be imported into another datafile.


Import Configurations

To import one or more document configurations from a previously exported document configuration or document configuration set.


Note NOTE: Caliach Subscription Support does not extend to the design of Sales Document Configurations.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:50:00.00. Class mSOConfigMaint last modified 24 Mar 2012 02:54:16.

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