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Financial Planning: Inventory History Cost Analysis Results

Inventory History Cost Analysis Results

Inventory History Cost Analysis Results

The Inventory movement financial analysis procedure provides the user with the ability to analyse cost details of inventory movements over any date range that history has been maintained. A complete breakdown of both costs and inventory movement types is provided with a calculated inventory value for the period start and end.

Warning WARNING: Financial Forecasting functions are not available to those who only have licensed the Inventory version of the program.

The analysis scans the Stock History file for inventory movements and applies the current part cost elements to arrive at the movement value. Select the cost basis for the analysis, either standard or current

Note NOTE: This does not take the historic cost of movements. It assumes that part costs have not changed throughout the date range.

You will be provided with the Inventory Movement Analysis Options window in which you can set options for the analysis.

You may run another analysis by clicking on the New Analysis button which brings forward the date range selection dialogue again so that a different analysis criteria can be applied.

You can obtain a printed version of the results by clicking on the Print Results button.



New Analysis

To select new criteria for a further analysis.

Print Results

To print a report of the analysis shown on this window.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 17 May 2012 03:54:00.00. Class wFinSthRes last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:14.

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