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  4. MRP Planning, Processing and Results: Review MRP Results

MRP Planning, Processing and Results: Review MRP Results

Review MRP Results

Review MRP Results

This review window enables you to view MRP Results in a variety of ways. The selection options are specific to this window but the list and associated data and controls are part of the MRP Results Listing window to which you should refer for details.

When the window opens it will be pre-set to select records for a part number. Type in the part number, use the ScratchPad or navigation arrows to view all records for the part.

You can use the buttons to switch list selection. If the list selection was not by a part, double-clicking on a line will re-build the list for the subject part of the line selected.

You can select a line and then an alternative selection button to build a list for the selection appropriate for the line’s data. For example, if you select a line and then click on the Select by Date button, a list will be built for all results for that date.

The list interactively operates with the Parts ScratchPad and the Bill of Materials and Where-Used Listings window that can be opened from the Parts ScratchPad Options Menu menu. This window will interactively operate with the Results Listing window. I.E. If you click on a BoM listed part the system will attempt to list the MRP results for that part.



Part number

Enter a part number. The system will find the closest match and build a list of all results for that part.

Part description

Parts Master. Part description. {PTMFILE.PTMDESC char 30}


Enter a date. The system will list all results with records relating to that date or the closest date to that entered.

Adjustment code

Enter an MRP adjustment code. The system will build a list with all results data with that adjustment code.


The MRP adjustment type that you have selected.


Enter a reference code. The system will list all results that contain this code.

Supplier name

Suppliers. Supplier company name. {SUPFILE.SUPNAME char 40}

Listing Subwindow

See the MRP Results Listing window for details.



Select by Part

To select a listing of all results for a particular part.

Select by Date

To select a listing of all results for a particular date.

Select by Adjustment Code

To select a listing of all results for a particular MRP adjustment code.

Select by Reference

To select a listing of all results that have a particular MRP reference code.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:48:00.00. Class wMrpList2 last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:25.

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