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General Program Functions: Graph Functions Menu

Graph Functions Menu

Graph Functions Menu

The context menu for functions on the graph object.




Modify Texts

This function offers you the Graph Texts window in which you can change the text elements on the graph.

Copy to Clipboard

Copies a picture of the graph to the clipboard.


Save as Jpeg File

To save a Jpeg picture image of the graph to a file.


Print Graph

To print a picture of the graph in the size shown on the window. If the graph image on the window is large enough the report will automatically print landscape.


Print Data List

Prints a report of the underlying graph data list.


Print Graph and Data List

Prints a report of the underlying graph data list and a picture of the graph.


Save Template File

A template file is a special file containing all the settings for a graph. When a graph of a particular type and subtype is first built, default values for many internal settings are set. You can modify some of these and if you then save a template file, these adjustments are saved. Loading the template file on a future occasion will reload these adjustments.

Load Template File

Loads the settings previously saved in the template file.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.00. Help data last modified 6 May 2006 12:27. Class mGraph last modified 21 Dec 2014 12:07:48.

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