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Bills of Material: Change Parent Part Type

Change Parent Part Type

Change Parent Part Type

In the Parts master maintenance window the user is prevented from defining a Part as a Phantom assembly or an Outwork assembly unless the Part is pre-defined as a Parent in the BoM file. Once a Parent part has been given at least one Component the user can re-define the Parent part as a Phantom or Outwork assembly using this command. This operation acts on the currently selected parent.

Warning WARNING: You can’ t:

1. Change a parent part type FROM a ‘P’hantom type while there are any active orders for the parent.
2. Change a parent part type FROM an ‘O’utwork type while there are any active Purchase Orders for the parent.
3. Change TO a P’hantom or O’utwork type while there are any active orders for the parent.



Automatic (buy or make)

The program will determine whether the part is manufactured or purchased, depending on the presence of a BoM.

Buy complete assembly

The parent is purchased complete, regardless of the existence of a BoM.

Manufactured assembly

The parent is always manufactured, regardless of the existence or not of a BoM.

Outwork assembly

The parent is always manufactured under a purchase order by a supplier from a kit of components supplied by us.

Phantom assembly

The assembly never exists in stock. The bill is absorbed in any higher assemblies kit, or it is a sales order kit that is assembled at the time of dispatch, or it is a purchase order kit where the components are received rather than the parent assembly itself.




Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


The OK button updates the data you have entered, or confirms the selection and/or processes the function you have called.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wBomPartType last modified 18 Feb 2015 01:54:36.

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