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Advanced Functions: Program Faults, Feature Enhancements, Requests and Reports Maintenance

Program Faults, Feature Enhancements, Requests and Reports Maintenance

Program Faults, Feature Enhancements, Requests and Reports Maintenance

This feature enables you to review and maintain report records on the program and send them directly to Caliach Support by email.

You can report faults that you believe exist in the program or put forward enhancements that you think would improve your ability to use the program effectively.

This feature also allows you to review the current status of reports, faults fixed and feature enhancements made. To do this the WishBugs.bug file must be in the Custom directory of your Caliach Vision installation. When you Upgrade via the Internet using the Change Management System Upgrade via the Internet window, you have the option to download the latest official datafile.

When you make a report, particularly if it is believed to be a program fault, you should put down as much detail as possible including the sequence of events and data that lead to the circumstances that you find inappropriate. A fault cannot be acknowledged by engineers unless they can reproduce the problem. So sufficient information must be provided to do this. Saying something like “XXX doesn’t work’ is insufficient.

To maintain or review the date use the Program Maintenance Reports Toolbar toolbar tool functions.



Code number

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Code number. {BUGFILE.BUGUSER char 5}

Type dropdown list

Prefix of of the code number.


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Title or general subject matter. {BUGFILE.BUGTITL char 100}


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Keywords for search and find separated by spaces (case insensitive). {BUGFILE.BUGKEY char 10000000}


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Customer name who made bug report or wish request. {BUGFILE.BUGCUST char 40}

Seriousness rating

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Serious rating classification 0=ignored, 100=most serious. {BUGFILE.BUGRATE integer shortint}

General use rating

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. General use rating, 0=Of no use, 100= Most Useful. {BUGFILE.BUGENC integer shortint}

Work hours

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Hours of work estimated or taken. {BUGFILE.BUGHOUR number 1dp}


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Platforms affected. {BUGFILE.BUGPLAT char 30}

Reported in version

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Version number on reporting or logging. {BUGFILE.BUGVERR number 4dp}

Applicable from version

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Version number applicable from. {BUGFILE.BUGVERA number 4dp}

Fix/implementation due in version

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Version number fix/implementation due. {BUGFILE.BUGVERD number 4dp}

Fix/implementation made in version

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Version number of fix/implementation. {BUGFILE.BUGVERF number 4dp}


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Description and full details. {BUGFILE.BUGDESC char 10000000}

Value currency

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Value currency code. {BUGFILE.BUGCUR char 3}

Value to business per year

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Value to the business per year of the change request if implemented (in currency). {BUGFILE.BUGVALU number 2dp}

Warning WARNING: Caliach Ltd will not accept enhancement requests unless accompanied by a value per year that such an enhancement will have to you if implemented. An example of a valuation approach could be: “Presently every week we have to run two separate reports, enter the data into a spreadsheet then print and disseminate the results – taking around 30 minutes at GBP40 per hour. A single report with all the data would only take 5 minutes to generate/print and it would not be necessary to disseminate it as it is available from the central database to everybody. Cost benefit = ((30-5)/60) x 40 x 52 = GBP867 per annum”.

Reported date

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Date bug reported, feature completed and wish logged. {BUGFILE.BUGDATE date date1980}


Program faults, enhancements and wishes. User logging the Bug/Feature/Wish. {BUGFILE.BUGUSER char 3}

Get around

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Get around, if any, or alternative to wish. {BUGFILE.BUGGETA char 1200}

Proposed or actual action

Program faults, enhancements and wishes. Caliach response or plan of action. {BUGFILE.BUGCALR char 1200}



Revert to Saved

To revert any changes to the previously saved version.

Save as Shown

To save the changes you have made to the data file.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 4 Jun 2012 04:47:00.00. Class wBugWish last modified 10 Oct 2017 11:48:00.

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