The calendars are used by the system in MRP, capacity planning and financial forecasting. The calendar consists of a ‘Make days’ and a ‘Buy days’ calendar that you customise as appropriate for your business.
This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.
To Create and Extend the Calendars
File > System Manager > Calendars
This file path takes you to the Make and Buy Calendar Maintenance window.
Make days – the days you manufacture your product.
Buy days – the days your purchaser buys from suppliers.

Select your make and buy days
The system default has both calendars set for Monday to Friday, but you should add or remove days as appropriate for your company.
Select the Extend by One Month button
We recommend having you calendar set for at least one year. Do not overextend your calendar as the performance of many processes in the program are affected by the extent of the calendars. Calendars cannot be reduced in extent once saved.

If appropriate to your company, remove any bank holidays by unchecking the tick box next to that date.
NOTE: It is important to have your make and buy dates set correctly to allow the system to accurately forecast your production and planning
Select Save
A warning box will pop up asking if you want to save changes. You must be the only user on the system to do this. Select Yes.
Your calendar set up is complete.
Active days grid
This shows the contents of the Make and Buy calendar. Every date in the range is included but only the ones that are ticked are active.
Extend Calendar field
Select the days you Make and Buy on by ticking or unticking the relevant box e.g. You manufacture products Monday to Friday but only buy materials Monday to Wednesday.
Extend by one month button
This button will extend your calendar by one month. Only the days selected in the extend calendar section are active.
Print Button
This will print a list of the saved calendar. Right click to select report destination.
Revert Button
This will recover the last saved calendar.
Save Button
This will save the calendar and automatically clears unused dates at the start of the calendar. It clears any dates prior to the earliest date of any production plan item, sales order, purchase order, job, or work order.
This article is part of the Vision Setup Guide. Click Here to return to the Setup Guide.
Compiled in Program Version 6.00. Help date last modified on 26 May 21
Class wCalendar (Make and Buy Calendar Maintenance) FP: File > System Manager > Calendars