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Sales Dispatch: Sales Commissions Review

Sales Commissions Review

Sales Commissions Review - List Selection Tab

The window contains a tab pane at the top with a list of Commission Log records below. You use the List Selection tab to enter a selection range and build the list. The other tab panes are used to process various activities associated with the log records listed.

See the Commissioned Sales Agents Maintenance window for full details of the commission handling system.




List of all commission log entries for the selection range. Click on the headings to change the sort order.

Total commission listed

Total commission value for all records listed.

Total un-posted

Total un-posted commission value for records listed.

Total selected

Total value for selected records.



Show details

Check this option to show full calculation values on the report.

Print Report

To print a report of the listed commission log records sorted and subtotalled by the sorted list column.

The window has 3 tab panes.

List Selection 
Modify and Post Commissions 
Reverse Postings 

List Selection

Use this pane to select and build a list of commission log records.



Build List

Click to build a list of records matching your selection criteria. It opens the Sales Commission Selection window.

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Modify and Post Commissions

Sales Commissions Review - Modify and Post Commissions Tab

Having built a list, use this pane to modify and/or process listed log records.



Remove Selected from List

Click to remove the selected lines from the list. This will not effect any stored data.

Invert Selection in List

Click to invert the selection of lines in the list. Unselected line will be selected and selected lines deselected.

Select Lines for Paid Invoices

Click to select those list lines where the referenced invoice has been marked as paid and de-select all others.

Delete Selected

Click to permanently delete the selected lines in the list. They can only be removed if they have not been posted.

Transfer Selected

Click to transfer the commissions to an alternative agent. Applies to the selected lines in the list that have not been posted, pooled or supplier invoiced.

Post Selected

Click to post un-posted selected list records. Applies to the selected lines in the list that have not been posted, pooled or supplier invoiced.

Note NOTE: When ledger transaction result they will be posted into the current A/R period. If you want them to be recorded in the period the commissions have been logged, you must operate this function before A/R month-end or alternatively automatically post them at A/R month-end. See the Month-End Processing window for more details.

Distribute Pool for Selected

Click to distribute pool commission selected list records. Applies to the selected lines in the list that are for pool agents and have not been pooled or supplier invoiced.

Note NOTE: When ledger transaction result they will be posted into the current A/R period. If you want them to be recorded in the period the commissions have been logged, you must operate this function before A/R month-end or alternatively automatically post them at A/R month-end. See the Month-End Processing window for more details.

Post Supplier Invoice for Selected

Click to post supplier invoices covering commission in selected list records. Applies to the selected lines in the list that are for supplier assigned agents and have been posted and have not been pooled or supplier invoiced already.

Note NOTE: When ledger transaction result they will be posted into the current A/R period. If you want them to be recorded in the period the commissions have been logged, you must operate this function before A/R month-end or alternatively automatically post them at A/R month-end. See the Month-End Processing window for more details.

Add Extra Commission Entry

Click to add an extra commission record to adjust an agents net commission.

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Reverse Postings

Sales Commissions Review - Reverse Postings Tab

Having built a list, use this pane to reverse previously posted commissions.



Un-post Supplier Invoice for Selected

Click to reverse the posting of supplier invoices covering commission in selected list records. Applies to the selected lines in the list that have been supplier invoiced and are for supplier assigned agents and have not been pooled.

Note NOTE: When ledger transaction result they will be posted into the current A/R period.

Un-post Selected

Click to reverse-post posted selected list records. Applies to the selected lines in the list that have not been pooled or supplier invoiced but have already been posted.

Note NOTE: When ledger transaction result they will be posted into the current A/R period.

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See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 24 Apr 2012 06:38:00.00. Class wCoaReview last modified 23 Sep 2017 10:50:49.

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