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Advanced Functions: License Application Data Entry

License Application Data Entry

License Application Data Entry

This window enables you to fill in the License Application and to print the License and Order Form. Having completed the form, print the document, sign it and send to your provider. This window automatically opens when you click on the License Details and Authentication window Print Order Form button.



Company name(s)

Company name that will appear on all reports produced by the system. It is case sensitive so enter it in the form you want to see it on reports, etc.. If you are needing more than one name, be sure that you qualify for such a license and that your provider is in agreement.


Your site address in two lines.

System Manager

The name of the System Manager who will be the main contact for support services.


The telephone number for the System Manager.


The fax number for the System Manager.


The email address for the System Manager where support notices will be sent.


The name of the product you are registering.


The number of concurrent users permitted on the system.


Inventory prohibits the use of MRP, Capacity Planning and other forecasting functions.


Full forecasting functionality.


Accounting ledgers.


Any options that you need to order with the license.

Training days

The number of training days you would like your provider to plan for.


The currency of the ordered values below.

Site license value

The value in the above currency of the site license you are registering – this should be the price quoted by your provider.

User license value

The value in the above currency of the user licenses you are registering – this should be the price quoted by your provider.

Annual support value

The value in the above currency of the annual support and re-licensing – this should be the price quoted by your provider.

Training value

The value in the above currency of the training – this should be the price quoted by your provider.

Total value

The total value of the order calculated for you.

Name and position of signatory

The name and position of the person signing the Registration and License Application – this form.


Your order date.

Purchase Order Number

Your Purchase Order number.

Internet username

The username that you want to be known by for access to the support web server and also the name of your private ftp directory. This will be forced to lower case and any punctuation or spaces removed.

Internet password

The password that you want to use for access to the support web server. This is case sensitive and cannot contain any punctuation or spaces.


The type of workstations and their operating system. E.G. Pentium 3 Windows 2000.

Server software

The type of server operating system. E.G. Windows 2000.

Printer types

The printer types that will be used. E.G. HP LaserJet 4.

Main Business activity

Your main business activity. E.G. Manufacture of Instrument Electronics.


The number of employees in your business.


Your typical business turnover indicating currency.

Your WWW site

Your web site.



Clear Form

Click to clear the form of data you have entered.


Aborts the process currently in session. The keyboard equivalent is the Esc key for Windows computers and Command-.(full stop or period) for the Mac.


Will cause a report to be printed of the subject matter. Right-click to change the report destination.

See also: –

Compiled in Program Version 5.10. Help data last modified 26 May 2004 10:24:00.00. Class wLicOrder last modified 18 Feb 2015 01:54:42.

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